Practical Pistol shoots back

Evil Dog

New member
Our local Practical Pistol shoot yesterday was totally fun. One scenario involved 5 dropping targets and one self-resetting target. The shooter was behind a barricade with a 2' wide piece of plywood behind. The object was to hit the 5 dropping targets and then the self-resetting one. About 7 yards to the rear was someone with one of those Airsoft plastic bb guns. The idea being that standing in one place, if he could see you he could shoot you.... made it a heck of a lot of fun.... and yes, those little plastic bb's do sting a bit.
I hope not. Maybe he is at an outlaw local event.
There is no provision for that in IDPA or IPSC.

It could be very good training in a fairly advanced gunfighting course, but I think it hazardous in an open-to-all-comers match where a beginner might react dangerously to getting smacked.

It is unclear where the guy with the Airsoft was. If he is uprange from the shooter, there is a problem with him judging when the shooter was exposed. If he decides that and pops him FROM BEHNIND, a typical response would be to TURN AROUND, gun tracking his line of sight.

Not me.
This was a local "just for fun" shoot... not IDPA or IPSC. The guy with the Airsoft was around 7 yards behind the shooter. The shooter remained stationary behind a 2' wide barricade, no running around from here to there and back again. There was also a 2' wide barricade behind the shooter providing cover from the guy with the Airsoft. There were no surprises as the shooter knew well in advance what would be going on. Everyone was very conscious of maintaining cover as best they could. Personally I consider the way the scenario was set up and conducted as being "safe and sane"... opinions may vary on that though.