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anyone else have powerbelt problems? they shoot good out of my ML and look good on paper but suck in the field. i recently shot a whitetail at 67 yards using the 245 grain aero tip powerbelts in front of 150 grains of pyrodex pellets. the bullet found it's mark but fragmented up inside the deer's cavity without exiting. i could not locate one solid piece of the powerbelt when field dressing the deer.

my father also uses powerbelts and had the same problem one week before my episode. his deer was only 15 yards away and once again, no exit with the powerbelts. i like using the powerbelts because they shoot good in my rifle, load easy and are easier to keep up with. should i try using a heavier powerbelt bullet or switch to a different bullet type?
i forgot to mention, i have tried lower powder charges but for some reason my rifle likes 150 grains. i'm not having accuracy issues, just bullet retaining it's mass issues.
I use the 295 gr. HP in front of 80 gr. Pyrodex RS. Heavier bullet, moving slower. If I don't hit the shoulder, I get pass throughs. If I hit the shoulder, no pass through. However, I have yet to lose any deer that I have shot with this load. If you're going to hunt with a M/L, you might as well go all the way. The only reason I don't use a patched round ball is that my rifle just does not like them.
Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide to use.
If you hit the deer where you wanted to and the deer is dead and you didn't have to track it all over creation, what's the problem?
I use powerbelts in my inline and in my Hawkins.I use them because they are easy to load and both of my guns shoot very accurate with them.I shoot 120gr. of powder in my Hawkins and 150gr. in my inline.I use the 295gr.areotip,and have used the hollowpoint also.Both of my rifles seem to like the heavy powder charge,and shoot accurate with it also,which is great for hunting.

I have heard of the problem with the powerbelts,but I have not had this problem.I have killed at least 20 deer with powerbelts,and have 2 friends that hunt with them also with out any problem,one uses 150gr. of powder and one uses 100gr.of powder.We all use the 295gr. bullet.

I've only had 2 deer that didn't have a complete pass thru.One was shot in the chest faceing me at 40 yds.,dropped him in his tracks.I think the bullet was probally lost in the gut pile.The other one was shot at 150yds. in the shoulder,ran about 30yds.The bullet went thru both shoulders and stopped under the hide on the other side,it was alltoghter and a perfect mushroom,doubled in size.I've made double lung shots at 100yds. with complete pass thru and knocking out a couple of ribs in the process without any problems.

I'm going to use the 300gr. platnum this year and see how it does.
I shoot a CVA Kodiak Mag, with 90 grains of loose triple 7 and the 295 grain hollow point powerbelt i can shoot hole inside hole at 50 yards, just shot a nice 85 lb doe yeasterday morning at 10 yards with this combo, power belt did a nice job and left a 3 to 4 inch exit hole, she did manage to make it 50 yards before trying to lunge acroos a creek and landed right in the middle of it, water was only ankle deep so did not have to swim for her
I went the Powerbelt route for a while. Although they shot great out of my muzzleloader I was nervous about shooting them at deer after hearing your story and a lot more just like them. I think it's been dertermined you can't push these things very hard. I've read other stories with guys having great success with them but only shooting between 80 and 100 grain of powder. I've switched to Barnes MZ Expanders 250gr. They shoot just as good if not better and they are solid copper.......these things won't blow apart. A little pricey but I'm not spending the money to hunt and worry about how much my bullets are cost'in me.
Camocop said:
the bullet found it's mark but fragmented up inside the deer's cavity without exiting. i could not locate one solid piece of the powerbelt when field dressing the deer.

Ok, so what's the problem? Is there something wrong here? I don't understand what your complaint is.
Just shot a 9 point with a 295 grain HP powerbelt on 11-5-07 and the buck only went about 50 yards and was down. Shoulder shot went through and broke the leg on opposite side. Recovered a big portion of the bullet. A buddy of mine claimed he has had trouble with the aero tipped ones, but it might be his shot placement. I have shot more than four deer with the 295 gr. powerbelts with great results. I use 100 grains of american pioneer powder behind them.
apparently some on here don't get the whole idea of controled expansion. yes i see what your saying, the deer was killed BUT if it fragmented like it did without hitting bone...what will happen if it does hit bone? i'm not one to say i hit exactly where i'm aiming ALL of the time. so unless you are an expert millitary sniper, you should also be concerned about bullets retaining their mass for better penetration.
Yes, I guess I don't get the idea of controlled expansion. Please explain. You posed a question about the bullet hitting bone, implying something. Please answer the question so I don't have to guess at your point.
MMP sabots, 45 caliber, 250grain Hornady Hollow points. Put up with a little extra trouble keeping up with stuff, and use 90 to 100 grains of powder.
If you are shooting whitetail deer at yardages less than 100 yards, then any heavier load is just more pressure on your shoulder, and a third less shots in a pound of powder.

Any bullet if properly placed will harvest a whitetail cleanly, its the NOT so well placed shot that comes down to having a good bullet. The above load will put a hole in the size of your finger, and will come out the size of a tobasco bottle, no matter what end you shoot it from. I have never recovered a bullet to see how it looks, which is what I like. Leaves plenty of blood for tracking, and they don't cost a dollar apiece.:D
Too light too fast, just like a light bullet in a centerfire. I used 45cal 195's to shoot a buck three years ago. The bullet fragmented. The next year I used a 275gr HP and 150gr 777. I hit a big doe on the tip of the shoulder, she was faceing me. It exited behind her rib cage. Remember, a powerbelt is just a piece of plated lead. Up your weight to the 295 or the 348. Note that the Maxi Ball, which is one heck of a killer, is about 370gr.