Well, some may call me "cavalier" about my storage ideas but I think some fellers here are overthinking this situation. If there is a fire in your home/garage/shed where the powder is stored are you or your family going to enter the area in case of fire? The only "rules" about powder storage are those laid down by fire officials; National Fire Protection Association (?), and how are their rules enforced/used?
In my 35+ years of playing with shooting and reloading I have never had a fire. I have never lived in "brush country" where wild fires can destroy my home. I have stored my powders (only up to 40-50 lbs) in plain old metal cabinets in temps from 32 to 110 degrees from 10% to 100% humidity and still use, none have gone "bad" and I, like most people, have much, much more dangerous items to worry about in case of fire. (have any spray paint cans around? Look under the kitchen sink and in the bathroom for spray cans (hair spray is a bomb). In your shed or garage; any insecticide or weed killers? How about any paint thinner, solvent, acetone, lacquer thinner, extra gasoline for the mower?).
I'd unplug the freezer, dry it out and keep my powder there...