Powder question


New member
Getting ready to sight in the new cva accura v2. Just mounted the nikon inline xr scope. My question is cva says max load of 150 grains pellets, but i want to shoot the loose goex ff. What is a safe max load on the loose vs the pellets? Eventually i might try the blackhorn 209 cause everything i read people have excellent results with it. What would be a safe max load on the blackhorn too? I know different powders burn with different pressures so i just want to know where to max them out. People are also saying theyre getting the tightest groups max loading them. I should also mention that i will be shooting the 250 grain r.e.a.l.s and i also have the blackhorn breechplug for loose powder. Any and all info would be helpfull. Thanks.
From the CVA manual"

CVA recommends a minimum of 50 grains, by volume, of blackpowder or blackpowder
substitute in your .45 or .50 caliber gun. The maximum load in CVA breakaction
guns is 150 grains by volume. This maximum load is generally known as the
“magnum” load and is best suited for pelletized powder due to the more efficient
burning characteristics of the powder pellets. Magnum loads of loose powder may
be used but are not recommended because of their inefficient and incomplete burning

If it were me, I'd max out at 90 gr of loose 3Fg for the 45/250.
Dimishing returns after that.
Less is better !!!

If it were me, I'd max out at 90 gr of loose 3Fg for the 45/250.
Dimishing returns after that.

mehavey, brings up a very good point and all manufacturers "have" to list this engineered max, for liability reasons. The old Max, use to be listed at 120 and when the MML's came out, the competition pushed it up to 150. I would add that my "hunting" shot string is in the 90 to 95-grn. of loose powder in SideLocks and MML's. .... :)

Be Safe !!!

You would not be beyond the CVA load requirements using 120 grains Goex FF with your 250 REAL. Besides, Goex is the weakest of all the ML blackpowders.
BH 209 is a hotter powder, much like FFF in comparison to FF. I would suggest maximizing that powder charge to 110 grains.
^^^ I agree

Blackhorn 209 is a different animal in comparison to real black powder or even triple seven pellets. Triple 7 also makes Magnum pellets that are 60 grains each. Two of these will give you a 120 grains charge. Perfect for most in lines.

Blackhorn 209 differs from the normal rules of black powder typically we measure by volume. To get the greatest consistency out of Blackhorn, you need to weigh each charge for the most shot to shot consistency. 100 grains volume of Blackhorn equals 70 grains by weight. 90 grains by volume would be 63 grains by weight. 110 grains volume would be 77 grains by weight.

hope this helps and all the best,

I forgot to mention..

...if you use Blackhorn, you will need to clean the barrel with any type of solvent typically used for smokeless powder.

I shot Pyrodes pistol powder and use 90 Gr using a black powder measure. I have found it will hit the same using Pyrodes rifle at 110 gr. I use a shot gun primers.
If your intent on using Gorex FFG. FWIW: Start at 70 or 75 on a volume measure'r and work your way upwards in powder delivery a (line) at a time. (75-80-85-like so) until you get your best 6 or 7 shot grouping string. Doesn't necessarily have to be your most powerful powder loads. Just your most accurate is desired.

Shoot your REAL to the distance you want your rifle accurate out too. It seldom pays to sight a rifle in at 50 yards when someone's hunting shots are more often closer to 100 yards and/ or a shade beyond.

One additional Tip: Be prepared to swab your barrel quite often when using actual B/P. Having a inline with a re-movable breech plug. That task should be a piece of cake. FYI: I actually know a guy who brings 2- small chemical pump-up lawn sprayers to help him with his rifles cleaning. One having a soapy solution the other with clean clear water. Quite a mess he leaves behind after a full days shooting. But its only (water) and he is fun to watch occasionally. Him & his unique ways no doubt_:)