powder measure ?


New member
I have the hornady lnl ap and started having a problem with the powder dump. It is right on with only 1/10 th variation with the small pistol drum. But when using the large rifle drum it varies by as much 3/10 th. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong ? I have been using the baffle for both and am thinking about trying the rifle drum without the baffle.
How much powder are you throwing? 3/10 out of 100 grains you still will not see any difference in each load.

3/10's out of 10 grains you still won't see any difference.

If you want dead on charges then get a powder dispenser where each charge is
weighed as it is thrown.
One of my favorite stories is by R. Lee. He claimed he was asked to develop loads for a pistol: he got help. His help had a very good business card so they developed all of the loads using dippers and scrapping with a business card. As the story was told one would get the impression they were in a pub because they had so much fun.

They knew the loads had to be done in grains; after returning from the range they took the dipper and ‘the’ business card and starting weighing the loads in grains. For maximum loads they used the magic of the pyramid/cone of powder above the dipper; The cone/pyramid of powder will not support enough powder to caused an over charge, as the story goes they spent most of the night converting volume to grains; and they used a Lee scale.

F. Guffey