Powder Measure Types


New member
I think I understand the rotor type. Basically a small clearance rotor that shears the powder stack when cycling….like scrapping off a measuring cup.

How do the Harrell’s work? Do they prevent powder cutting?
They cut the long grain powders very cleanly/quickly. No hang-ups.
and because of tight tolerances, I find the flake powders e.g., Unique)
measure within a tenth.
It's analogous to a drum but horizontal.

There is nothing wrong with cutting grains as long as it doesn't jolt the measure when it occurs. A mechanical shock like that settles the powder in the hopper, especially at the bottom of the powder column, so the next couple of charges tend to be high after such and event.

The JDS Quick Measure uses a sloped surface to "scrape" its vertical metering columns, and that avoids all cutting. In a rigid mount, it can meter many stick powders to ±0.1 grains, and in a less firm mount, that can grow to ±0.2 grains, but I've never seen worse than that. Its only drawback is it takes more fiddling to adjust than a more conventional measure.
I’ve settled on the Lee Deluxe PPM. I work up loads using the brass drum it comes with, the once a load is settled on I duplicate it using the plastic drums. I then mark the plastic drums and use them when loading that particular ammo. The accuracy is as good as any other I’ve used and no cutting of long rifle grains. The cost is very reasonable, quality is good, and the convenience of the extra plastic drums is a very nice feature. I get no powder leakage with fine powders, no cutting of extruded powders, and it measures flake powders as good as most other measures.
I've got one of the Lee Deluxe Perfect Powder Measure's polymer wiper really does stop grain cutting and is another good option. The metal drum will fit closely enough that it has no problem with throwing 748 or other fine ball powders without leakage. The less expensive all-plastic Lee Perfect Powder Measure (PPM; same name, but without "Deluxe") often has leakage with fine spherical powders reported because the plastic can be warped very slightly out-of-round. Many find they can stop the leak by tightening the drum, though some report that makes it too tight to operate freely. I expect that's up to the individual measure's degree of warp. I have no experience with the plastic drums in the Deluxe measure, though. If they work without leaking for Jetinteriorguy, that suggests the warping in the plastic PPM is mainly in the measure body's drum journal and not in the drum itself. The metal drum journal should be quite close to perfectly round.
no one powder measure does it all for me. lee brass takes care of 5744. plastic ones do the 296/110 for the 300 blackout. rcbs does the ball powder. ohaus duo measure for the 4064, or any long stick powder such as 4350 or 4831.... lyman for black powder.
hornady/pacific (now discontinued) pistol measure takes care of the unique and 231 for handgun. while i have a full set of rotors for the little powder dandy do not use it often. fwiw
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I use the small cavity on my #2 Duo-Measure to accurately throw the tiny charges of True Blue to feed my PS90. I also have Redding, Hornady and B&M measures.