Potomac Institue


Never heard of them, but thanks for the link.

Lots of interesting material...but on cursory viewing it looks like they might be another Gun Control organization with a different approach: not emotionally hysteric as the others and seem to couch their position in
arcane legal precedents.

I may revise my opinion upon in depth reading
This outfit's approach is couched in classical Euro sociology and philosophy....the responsibility of citizens and society to government and vice versa...cloaked in a pseudo-academic attempt at credibility. Check out their Bulliten board and see what I mean
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited February 18, 1999).]
Yes, I was checking out their BBS at lunch. Talk about moronic. The basic premise seems to be "I'm right, how can you dare argue."

That sort of intellectual, elitist bull is no better than the pile of emotional drivel you get at the other anti sites.

Guess, it's just one more place to watch.

I've read some of this guy's garbage before. I find it interesting that this socialist sees libertarians as the group suffering from 'fantasy'. IMHO, the writings on this site exhibit a total lack of understanding about the concept of libertarian thought - social and economic freedom, coupled with personal responsibility.

Same problem I have with Clinton - excessive load on my BS meter.