Potential Solution to Hog Problems From Japan

Darn, the teeth don't work!

I love that. I am a fan of Japan and Japanese culture in general, great folks.

Imagine the frustration of those farmers in Japan, they don't get to kill the damn hogs with guns like we do here. Nothing but shotguns for cililians in Japan.

Has anyone seen the little robotic toy dog, Zoomer? Darn thing is amazing.

An acqaintance on a bowling league many years ago lost his hunting priveleges for 5 years, and paid some serious fines. His crime?

He shot the fake elk! Oregon F+W set up sting operations using a very realistic elk dopppelganger. Of course the sting got this bozo shooting across a public highway as well.
The moron deserved it. Clowns like him give real hunters a bad rap.