potato guns for home defense?


New member
I just thought of this after the BB gun thread. What do you guys think, would a BG be intimidated by you screaming bloody murder and pointing what appears to be a bazooka at him?

Whats the best load to use? LOL.

I thought of this as a joke at first, but it does kind of seem like a viable alternative for someone who can't get a gun.
you nuts? "Fianl ?Net"????

SERIOUSLY use "Brakekleen" automotive brake cleaner...

and use FAR less than you did with starting fluid or hairspray...

faster, cleaner burn...
Tator guns do have knockdown power. I heard of someone shooting a cow & knocked it down. Don't know if there was any serious damage done.
Even if you successfully defended yourself, can you imagine the civil suit? :eek:

I don't like the thought of impact-type projectiles for defense. Would you rather load your shotgun with shot or a beanbag? The single-shot nature of a potato gun is even worse. What if there are two bad guys?
Gatlin tater gun

What if there is two BGs? I saw on the web somewheres, plans for a gatling mini gun tater shooter, ignition provided by 8 sparkplugs. Ya'll are scarry funny with the airsoft, tater guns, water guns. If thats all you got power to ya, but I'll stick to real firearms thank you. I truely hope you guys are not surious thou..:confused:
Well, power is NOT a concern...

If you're worried that a potato cannon won't take someone down, then you've never seen ME load one!!

My best shot, in our Scene Shop/Weapons Lab (and I have witnesses, one of whom is my wife (this will become pertinent, later in the story!!)) was dang near fatal!

We had built one with a 5' barrel, and had been experimenting, essentially re-inventing the gun, with it all evening. We had discovered little things like wadding and compression, but were still just '...not there, yet.' We weren't sure where we were headed, but we'd know when we got there, we felt confident. Anyway, my girlfriend (who had been drug along more as a safety check than anything else) had disappeared, so I figured now was my chance! I loaded a potato, wadded with newspaper, then a second plug, wadded with (and this is important!) WET paper towelling. Then I sprayed THREE seconds' worth of B12 (almost a triple powder measure, by the evening's standards) and locked down the breach.

We took aim at our target (a sheet of 3/4" ply at the far end of the shop, some sixty feet away) and spun the Coleman igniter that was the firing mechanism. Then, several things happened very quickly: first) the gun went WHOOMP!, second) it leapt out of the hands of three very shocked stagehands, clattering on the floor somewhere behind us, third) there was an almighty crashing, and fourth) we heard screaming.

Upon further examination, we found that I had created the equivalent of a tactical nuclear railgun, loaded with tubers! The potato APFSDS rounds had penetrated the plywood...and the set-piece behind it (knocking it over--that was the crashing)...and the metal lockers behind that...and the partition wall behind that, finally coming to a splattering conclusion again a cinderblock wall, some two feet above and to the right of my girlfriend's HEAD, where she sat on the toilet, in the Ladies' room.


We promptly disassembled that gun, trying hard not laugh anymore (it was hard, through tears of laughter (and for me, pain)). And the amazing thing is, that girl MARRIED me!!

Bad judgement? Guardian Angel Complex? Drunk? That's for you to decide. The moral of this story is...guns don't scare the sh!t out of people...PRODUCE does!!!

:D :eek: :D

"Home Of The world's most advanced hand held laser-guided bolt-action aluminum SP9004 potato rifle."

spudtech offers rifled pvc for tater cannons!

Whether for "home defense" or just general shootin' fun, tater cannon shooters owe it to themselves to build a real, rifled spudgun.
"OOPS!" brand carb cleaner works great as a propellant.

Green oranges that are just a little too big to stuff into the barrel makes the best ammo I've found. If you go a little too big, you get a messy blast of pulp, but at the right size you get great compression.

For you regulars out there, I'm BogBabe's evil boyfriend.