Pot with external heating element?


New member
Is there an electric lead melting pot where the heating element is not inside the pot?
I'm thinking it would be easier to clean and keep clean.
Is there an electric lead melting pot where the heating element is not inside the pot?
I'm thinking it would be easier to clean and keep clean.

Where in the world did you find a pot with the heating element on the INSIDE of the pot? All currently available electric pots have the element wrapped around the outside of the pot. Some have insulation around the element, then the outer casing.
Does he mean exposed inside the crucible?

I could't help but wonder myself. I have never seen a pot with heating elements on the inside.

I have a LEE 20 lb pot and the heating elements are contained inside a double shell crucible. Nothing having anything to do with any heating element is exposed inside. When empty all you see is a smooth surface with the leaking bottom pour valve assembly :)
Lyman Mini Mag....been using it for a long time.
Older than a couple of my kids at this point.
Never got around to working on upgrading til now.
There was always something else I'd rather get.

Looking at the Lee Pro Pot vs. Lee Production Pot.
Pics that I could google don't show where the heating element is.
Also researching which (bottom pour) mechanism between the two is better.
They're (at least in the pics Ive found) differently set up.

AND it's on sale right now!:eek::D

Deepcore, definitely get the lee pro-4-20 lb furnace. The lee 10 pound production pot is notorious for leaking because it's valve rod is at an angle, this limits the sealing capacity. The access to the melted lead is also less, because the valve rod is in the way to stir the melt.

The 4-20 is a much better design, allows 4 inches of clearance under the spout. The adjustable mold guide is a plus. Also, the 20 pound capacity makes more boolits before having to stop to refill. Important when making a lot of heavy lead!

If you look at the link I posted for the 4-20, scroll down to the suggested products, notice the forth item. It's the heating element that's wrapped around the bottom of the steel pot itself. It almost never needs replacing, but you can see what it looks like. A glance of the pot once in-hand, you can see where it enters and exits the crucible, between the tower and crucible.
Furnaces for Casting

The trick to getting a 10#er to not drip is to keep as clean a alloy as possible & hang a small set of visegrips on the handle .

A 20# will almost float the rod asm. when filled to capacity so a little weight added to the handle asm works there also .;)

Knowing what I know now a 20# pro-4 would be the minimum pot , big enuff for 6 cavity molds, adjustabe mold guide , & the top is big enuff ya can actually get a spoon or ladle in to ladle pour with .

Care is quick & easy , after cool downI give em a lite coat of WD-40 :cool:

Now ,with that said as much as a Lee bottom pour is over the small Lyman 4# dipper a Lyman or RCBS furnace is over the Lee pot ,BUT alot more $$$

I own a 10# Lee , 20# pro 4-20 & a Lyman 20 mag & they all serve different purposes !!
Old Reliable:


Heating element in the pot:


Nothing under the skirt


Thanks for the advice guys.
I saw the 20 pounder Lee in the latest Midway flyer too and it peaked my interest (again) in an upgrade.
Like I said I've always put it off and gotten something else I've needed, but I'm getting another .44 and therefore have another mouth to feed so to speak.

Is it wrong to be more excited about the Midway catalog arriving than the latest lingerie catalog?
All the pics of the Lee 20# shows that wooden handle,but mine came with a steel slug. They must have changed that lately to help stop leaking. It gets hot after while.
Is it wrong to be more excited about the Midway catalog arriving than the latest lingerie catalog?

NO , well at my age it nice to look at but PRIORITYs change !!!:D

Besides when the Midway flyer comes that`s a signal bills are due :( so lite bill, ins. , phone ,internet, & grocery takes it all & none left to order nuttin :mad:

Don`t get me started !!!:cool:
Sometimes I assume that since I've never seen an item that it doesnt exist. I'm provem wrong over and over again :eek:. Everytime I say a product doesn't exist ..... someone comes along and shows me one. You'd think I'd learn :o.
I like my LEE 20lb pot. I use a thremometer and the temp stays set pretty good. It drips a little but not enough to really complain about. I'll try the added weight thing, maybe it'll stop the small drip, I messed around with the adjustment and never really had any luck.
I started out with a Lee 20#, next pot was a bottom pour Lee. Good to have choices. And my bottom pour pot doesn't drip, it makes abstract art. :rolleyes: