Posts with Nothing but "Read THis: " and a link....

Rob Pincus

New member
Note that this is my opinion as a member, not as an administrator or this site, and by no means is meant to represent a policy change....

In the past, I am sure I have posted some links to other threads or articles on the interent that I thought would be of interest to other members. I hope that I have given people a clear idea of what they were going to see and offered some personal comment on its content and my opinion of it.

Starting a couple months ago I have noticed a dramatic increase is posts that look like this:

Subject: Oh, No! Yadda Yadda Bill 45x.4 ..Again..check it out!!

Look at This:



Personally, I think I follow about 5% of them.. even if I am interested in the subject line...

I would really like to hear what other members have to offer, not just show and see a bunch of links.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the info and I know that others do as well.. but often raw materail is available elsewhere.. I enjoy a good commentary or essay from the members here.

Also, some of those links to articles and such will run out.. 4 months from now when someone runs a search for "bill 45x.1" all they are going to find in the thread is an expired links. It would be nice if the poster could sum up what is going to be found there, and possibly offer an opinion if appropriate.

I hope this has not offended anyone, it certainly wasn't meant to.

I agree completely. Most of the time I DO NOT follow the link, figuring that if they are too lazy to tell me their thoughts, the link probably reflects their attitude. I'm interested in people's opinions, possibly with a link for further info.

Shoot carefully... swifter...
Genlemen, may I disagree. Some of us in these threads are somewhat computer illiterate. I for one, find these links, for the most part, a big help. A lot of times it is a struggle for me to locate stuff, although I am learning. It's a big help when you are trying to find some of this info to use.
Paul B.
It's worse than sending a card with only a name penned to the bottom of a bunch of pre-printed prose. Roundfile for the card - cerebral twit filter for the incommunicative cads.
I have never simply posted a link in a manner that is being discussed here. But I will say that if I did in fact post a link without any commentary, it would be for the reason that I, especially when compared to many on this forum, am very new to the realm of guns and politics. I may see something interesting, but not having the proper knowledge and experience with the subject matter, would bulk on presenting my take on it, since I have not yet progressed far enough into this area. I may want to simply post it because I feel it may be of interest to others, who CAN make a worthwhile analysis, without MY immaturely concocted "analysis" as an intro. I am also not nearly as articulate and effective with words like many on this forum, and this would also factor into my decision to not offer much of my own thoughts, even though I may indeed have them. Rob, I do indeed see your point, and agree that it is nice to have the link more as a supplement to the post as opposed to being the post itself. But perhaps some on this forum who post just the links do so for reasons such as I've described...

Then again, I could just be a crazy, rambling fool with no point. Wouldn't be anything new for me :)
Both of the defenders of this practice make great points.

Bab, I especially understand what you are saying.. in those cases a simple:

"This is about YADDA YADDA, and Iwas wondering what some of you YADDA type people thought about it:"

That's all I am talking about, not a 3 paragraph preface or anything...

Don;tg et me wrong guys, I value the LINKS.. but I'd enjoy to have a little more info about where I am going to be sent to before I potentially waste my time.

I like the links, but I also like to know what they are. I've followed several "Read This" links only to find that it's of no interest to me. Some have turned out to be long documents such as bills in congress or legal reports. Often when I get to TFL it's late, I'm tired and my brain just isn't up to this sort of thing right now. I might come back later and read it when I'm more awake, but right now I've just wasted several minutes of my all too little computer time on it.
By all means continue to post links. Just add a short discription of what it is so we can decide if we want to read it now, later or skip it altogether.
I'm with Rob on this one. I'd appreciate a short, "I found this article on *blah, blah, blah* and found it interesting that *blah, blah, blah*. Note that so-and-so says *yada, yada, yada*. What do you all think?"

Much better than following a blind link and, after reading something, wonder, "Yeah, so what does this have to do with me?"

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Rob--yes, I agree. Even in possible cases like I described, it's almost always possible to give at least a line or two of simple descriptive text. Then, like others have said, one can decide if they really want to investigate the link and its contents further at that time or not...

Yeah, that'll work for me!