Posts: 161 Fooling the Public - First Guns Kill People - Now I's Cars Kill P


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I saw this and thought it relevant; The anti-gun lobbyist try to convince the public that it's guns that kill people instead of the truth which is people kill people. Now they are applying the same logic to cars. Just an interesting dynamic when people can so easily be convinced a misleading interpretation or lie is true. You would think people would eventually see the folly of such logic and see the truth.
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Slow news day / hypocritical reporters. (And it is from Austin.)
Maybe they should / could outlaw everything that is associated with the death of more than 2 people annually.
Why do cars hit kids so often?
Cars are enormous and dangerous, and they kill without prejudice or mercy.

Wow. Just, wow.

The newspaper guy is serious but it kind of comes across as a parody piece.

It is TOTALLY an example of 'the narrative' that many of the media folk are steeped in today.
Linked article said:
. . . [E]ven if every car in the world magically developed the robotic ability to stop hitting children come January 1, there would still be many horror stories to tell before the deadline. Barring that, you can only educate and enforce the law. The city of Austin handed out 900 school-zone citations the first week of school, and has let drivers know that they’re being monitored.
Seems to me he's arguing for holding drivers responsible for their driving. I think folks are reading too much into one sentence of a 1000-word article.
The Elites are not worried that you will run them over in your car, they are worried that you may shoot them if their tyranny results in an armed revolution. Gun Control is not really about public safety as much as it is about protecting the Elites who run this country from you.