Posting Threads to the Wrong Forum: Please Read

One of our Moderators has pointed out the increasing number of threads, posted to the General Forum, that would be more appropriately place in topic specific forums.

A casual glance thru the active threads here points up the truth of this observation. In future, when posting a new topic, kindly give it's placement some thought before dumping it to the General Forum.

While we don't wish to be too compulsive about this, we request our Members' assistance in keeping TFL organized in good fashion.
Thanks all-
Thanks for saying something Rich, I've been noticing this happening also.

Its nice to have the gear threads in the gear forum so when I remember something I can go right back to where I think it should be and there it is :)


Mouse Assassins inc.

In the city-states of Ancient Greece and before the time of Alexander, punishment for a citizen whose action brought harm to the city-state could be ostracizing to a far and distant land. Here in cyber-world, the equivalent could be rec.guns or some other website where trolling and flaming abound.

Naturally, this is not to be taken seriously. Just a humerous thought from a historically warped mind. :)

Didn't take it seriously. For me, serious would be to hire Kodiac as the roving bouncer...each time it happens, we could send him to the "perp's" house to bounce them across the street and back. :)

Seriously, though. It's my fault for letting it a bit out of hand. I should have spoke up earlier.