• Anything ‘published’ on the web is viewed as intellectual property and, regardless of whether it displays a copyright symbol or not, is therefore copyrighted by the originator. The only exception to this is if there is a “free and unrestricted reuse” statement associated with the work.

    In order to protect our members and TFL from possible litigation, all members must abide by the following new rules:

    1. Copying and pasting entire articles from another site to TFL is strictly prohibited. The same applies to articles from print or other media, and to posting photographs taken of copyrighted pages or other media.

    2. Copyright law provides for “fair use” of portions of a copyrighted work. You can copy no more than a SINGLE paragraph from the article to your post (3 or 4 sentences at most).

    3. You must provide a link to the article along with the name of website. For example: ww.xxx.yyy/zzz (The Lower Thumbsuck Daily News).

    4. You must provide, in your own words, a brief summary of the article AND your reasons for believing it will be of interest to TFL members. Failure to do so may result in the thread being closed or your post being deleted as a “cut and paste drive by.”

    5. Photographs and other images are also copyrighted. "Hotlinking" of images (so that it appears in your message) from other sites is also prohibited unless you own rights to the image. If you wish to share an image, provide a clickable link to it.

    Posts that do not follow these new guidelines will be altered or deleted by staff. Members who continue to violate this policy may lose their posting privileges at TFL.

    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

Posting pictures

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New member
A little more detail...

Uploading a picture from your computer:

As long as the image you want to display fits the following restrictions...

bmp 1 MB
gif 1 MB
jpeg 1 MB
jpg 1 MB
pdf 1.0 MB
txt 175 KB

...then you can click the "Attachments" button (
) and upload the image. Use the "Browse" function to find the picture on your system. Press "Upload" after the picture file name is shown. Wait until the upload has completed, then close the Attachment window. Finally press the Submit button that is below the "Additional Options" box after all of your text and attachments are to your liking.

If you want to display the attachment as an image in your post, or any subsequent post, you need to place the attachment URL between the IMG tags. Right click on the attachment (either picture or filename) and copy the entire URL of the attachment from the Properties window. Edit your post, and paste that URL between the IMG tags where you want it to appear in your post. Use the "Insert image" button as explained below. The line in your post will look like this:

Using a picture from another internet site:

In order to display a high res photo, you need to store the photo off site or just find a photo on another website you would like to display in your post. Then link to them in your post using the "Insert Image" (
) button. To use this button you just need to...
  1. Open the website where photo is displayed.
  2. Navigate to the image you would like to display in your post
  3. Right-click the desired image and select "Copy image location"
  4. While posting to TFL, click the "Insert Image" button (
  5. Select or delete the entire text-box content (usually http://)
  6. Right click in the text box
  7. Select "Paste" from the menu
  8. Click "OK".
Hope this helps.

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Detailed instructions on using external image hosting sites

If you guys want to posts pictures here without posting attachments, you will have to register at one of these sites to upload pictures from your files there and then copy and paste the address url of the photo here.

www.photobucket.com (No longer a recommended site.)

There are others as well. I use hunt101.com the most. The new hunt101.com has unlimited picture posting and doesn't cost a thing. All you have to do is register there. I know you used to have to pay for additional picture posting space at photobucket.com once you went over the space they allowed you. They may have changed since I typed this and might be free as well now. You might want to check. Both of these sites are very good to post pictures with.

Go to one of the sites above and register with a username and password. After you take your pictures from your camera and save in a file(remember the file you save them in) you can upload the pictures at the sites above once you are logged in. Go to upload and click it. Then click browse. Then at the top you will see where you can go to the file that you have the pictures stored in. Click on the picture you want to upload and then click open. This will put the file code to that picture in the upload slot. Then click upload/submit at the bottom. Remember that the picture can't be too big or it won't upload. I like using about 800 x 600 pixel size. So set your camera on the smallest image pixel size and that should work.

If you are at hunt101.com, and after you have uploaded the picture, click process at the bottom and then go back and click on the new picture image you just uploaded. Then go to the bottom right corner of your screen and find this
and click it. Then you can copy and paste either the medium or big image whatever one you choose. Also the new feature of the new hunt101.com will already have the IMG tags in the front and the rear of your link. In other words there will be a
 of your link, and a
directly at the rear of your link. So all you have to do is copy and paste that link wherever you want your picture to appear here in the post box. Remember wherever the flashing spacebar is in the white post box is where your picture will post once you paste it here.

If you're using photobucket.com once you upload your picture there and click save at the bottom, all you have to do is copy and paste the 4th link underneath your picture that you are wanting to post here that already has the
tags in the address url image tag link.

Now to post pictures from another site, or from another thread here, all you have to do is this. Go to the picture you are wanting to post here. Put your mouse on that picture. Right click your mouse and then click properties at the very bottom of the drop down menu. This will bring up a properties box. Go to where you see the word Address: with the (URL) directly underneath it. Directly out to the side of Address (URL) you will see http://www. followed by more letters. You need to click and hold your mouse and drag across all of that tag starting with http://www. Make sure you get all of the tag. This will highlight the tag in blue. Now once you get all of it copied, right click and then click copy. Now come here and get the post box to come up. When you are ready to post the picture here, click the yellow insert image box directly above the post box. It looks like this
. After you click it, you will get a script prompt box to come up at the top left corner of your screen saying please enter the URL of your image. The word http:// will be in a white space at the bottom of the box. Now put your cursor in the white box and click your mouse. Then right click and then click paste. Then click ok. Then click submit reply at the bottom of the post box and your picture will post here.

You can do the same thing with attachments you upload. Just click on the links created when you upload them, copy the URL and then past it into the popup that comes up when you click on the

This will get to be a piece of cake if you practice it. It isn't easy to put this into words here. I tried my best to do so.

I hope this will help most who don't know how to post pictures.

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There are several tutorials on this site that show you how to upload attachments. This is the pictorial version:

While creating your post click the "Manage Attachments" button:


Click the "Choose file" ("Browse" on some systems) buttons to select your photos (or other files) from your system. (The "Attachment Key" will give the largest image size permitted.) Then, click Upload, and close the window when finished.


If you want to have photos appear in your post, click the new links to each attachment that now appear above "Manage Attachments". Copy the URL, and past it between the IMG tags, like any other photo. You can use the same format in any other posts where you want to display the same image without having to upload the image again.


(Note: You can only upload 3 attachments per post.)
This post explains in more detail how to find the list of attachments you uploaded previously, and how to determine the URL of your attachments so you can use them in any additional posts where the image would be appropriate. The system doesn't allow for you to upload the same image more than once, so this is the best method to use when the same image is needed in multiple posts.

Go to your User Control Panel ("User CP" in the menu bar above).
(You can barely see it in the upper left corner of this first image.)

Click the "Attachments" link at the bottom of the left menu:

Scroll through, and find the file(s)/photo(s) you are looking for (there may be multiple pages).

Clicking the file name (black arrow) will open the file in a new window (or download it, for certain file types).
Clicking the "Thread" link (blue arrow) will open the first post of the thread the files were initially uploaded to.
Clicking the "Post" link (red arrow) will open the specific post the files were uploaded to.


Use whatever method necessary, to get the URL for the file. The exact methods, and success rate of the following will depend on your browser:

You can right click the file name, and select the equivalent of "Copy link address", or "Copy URL", etc.
You can left click on the file name, and open the file in a new window. At that point, it is easy to copy the URL from the address bar of your browser.
You can click the "Thread" or "Post" links, to display the files in their original context. At that point, the right click method can be used again (on the photo itself, or on the file name in the 'attachments' section of the post); or you can click on the file name in the 'attachments' section of the post, and copy the URL when it opens in a new window.

(I simply right click on the file name, when looking at the list of attachments, and select "Copy link address as..." {Google Chrome}; but many methods work.)


  • TFL_tutorial_old_attach.jpg
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  • TFL_tutorial_old_attach4.jpg
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Information on how to choose the display size of an image may be found in the following thread.


If you had an image that you were going to display as follows:


and it turned out to be larger than would easily display well in a thread, you could adjust the image size to something more manageable by adding the [resize=X]...[/resize] as follows:

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