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Posting pictures, the sequel

Roland Thunder

New member
I have tried posting pictures directly into a post (not an attachment) using the instruction listed in the stick post entitled "posting pictures" at the top of this forum. All I end up with is a box with a red X in the post. I don't think its the size because the one I tried to include in my post is only 35KB. It resides on Image Shack, another image hosting site like photobucket. What causes this?
If you're talking about the image in your "Sig 226 DAK", I don't know what's going on there. I suspect the problem is at ImageShack, not here. I changed the tags to URL and the link went to the image ok. So, for what it's worth, you are doing it correctly.

BTW, that's a picture of a Kahr not a SIG, so it doesn't make sense in that thread.
BTW, that's a picture of a Kahr not a SIG, so it doesn't make sense in that thread.

Yeah, I know, I just didn't have a picture of a Sig. I figured since what I was trying to do didn't work nobody would see that it wasn't a Sig.

I was just trying to see if I could get the image thing to work. I had no intentions of leaving it in so I removed the link.
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Having attempted and failed several attempts at posting pictures in my posts, I read the sticky on posting pictures. The well-intentioned people who posted those "how to's", have a visual frame of reference that they are looking at in their heads when the try to explain something. However, to those of us who do not have the same frame of reference, we still cannot do it.

You have to explain it like we are all seven year-olds, that have no frame of referance...otherwise we still will not get it. It is extremely frustrating, even for someone like me...a former computer teacher.

Please make it step by step, and for God's sake, please get someone who has zero computer savvy to pilot it and see where they run into trouble with ambiguous words. For instance, cut and paste your URL into .... If a person does not know exactly what a URL is, is not given appropriate examples, they will get stuck and even more frustrated.

Step by step, without computer jargon. Jarton like "tags" "URL's", etc. are not useful to anyone excep savvy compluter geeks.

I want to post a picture, from my computer (not photo-hosting site),in my post, not just as an attachment to the post. Can someone, anyone, give me a simple step-by-step proceedure without any jarjon? Screen shots would be nice, but only if they reflect what I see on my computer.
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dahermit - you are expecting us to be tutors in the use of the internet and the finer nuances and language of it. We can't do that - this is a firearms board. If a person reading any explanation doesn't understand any portion of it, I would expect them to look it up, not throw up their hands in disgust at our attempt to explain what is a fairly simple process.

Concerning your specific question:
I want to post a picture, from my computer (not photo-hosting site),in my post, not just as an attachment to the post.
No one will be able to explain to you how to do that. In order to post an image it has to be uploaded to a hosting site and made available as a link. TFL is a hosting site for our members if they choose to upload an image here - that's what an attachment is, an image or other chunk of viewable/readable data uploaded to this site, nothing more.

Of course it is possible that you could have all the proper hosting properties on your home system, but that is highly unlikely and very unusual.

Some, if not most, ISP's (internet service provider) have some private storage space allotted to each of their users. Most users aren't even aware that it exists and is usable by them. Users of those ISP's can upload images and such to that space and make it available to the general public over the internet if they wish to. The upload is accomplished using an FTP application (file transfer protocol). The procedures for doing all of that is beyond the scope of this site, but a call or email to your ISP to see if you have any such available space might be fruitful.
dahermit - you are expecting us to be tutors in the use of the internet and the finer nuances and language of it. We can't do that - this is a firearms board..

No, I expect those who run this site to be able to effectively explain how to post pictures in it. The heading of this area does say "...Tech support..." does it not?

If a person reading any explanation doesn't understand any portion of it, I would expect them to look it up, not throw up their hands in disgust at our attempt to explain what is a fairly simple process.
"Look it up"... where? Are you suggesting the process is so simple (or I am), that doing such is apparent? Do you think that after repeated attempts at following various person's explanations and still not being able to do it, that anger is a normal reaction? "Throwing up one's hands...", At what point do you think that it is acceptable to just say the hell with it? After 3 attempts, 4, 5, 6,...10 or more. How many failed attempts are reasonable before abandoning the chore?

Concerning your specific question:

I want to post a picture, from my computer (not photo-hosting site),in my post, not just as an attachment to the post.

No one will be able to explain to you how to do that. In order to post an image it has to be uploaded to a hosting site and made available as a link. TFL is a hosting site for our members if they choose to upload an image here - that's what an attachment is, an image or other chunk of viewable/readable data uploaded to this site, nothing more.

Of course it is possible that you could have all the proper hosting properties on your home system, but that is highly unlikely and very unusual.

Some, if not most, ISP's (internet service provider) have some private storage space allotted to each of their users. Most users aren't even aware that it exists and is usable by them. Users of those ISP's can upload images and such to that space and make it available to the general public over the internet if they wish to. The upload is accomplished using an FTP application (file transfer protocol). The procedures for doing all of that is beyond the scope of this site, but a call or email to your ISP to see if you have any such available space might be fruitful.
I have posted pictures in posts on many different forums over the years with zero problems including gun boards, for sale sites, even genealogy. Most have a simple, easy to follow procedure that is easily found and followed.

My ISP has had nothing to do with it. My computer has nothing to do with it.

Would it not have been time and effort better spent, instead of responding to my post suggesting that I am not computer illiterate, and/or stupid (I am a former computer teacher, 138 I.Q.), that you had spent it on a step-by-step tutorial on how to post a picture in a post? Instead, you wasted both my time and yours, and most likely GregInAtl's and others also.
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Photobucket is free. If you can go to Photobucket, join, and get your desired photos on there in the lowest resolution... 1024x768 (aka 1m)... I'll be glad to post the steps in this string for posting them on TFL (and most other forums).

First, setting your camera to take photos at 1024x768 is half the battle!
Photobucket is free. If you can go to Photobucket, join, and get your desired photos on there in the lowest resolution... 1024x768 (aka 1m)... I'll be glad to post the steps in this string for posting them on TFL (and most other forums).

First, setting your camera to take photos at 1024x768 is half the battle!
I have a photobucket and Imageshack accounts, have no problem uploading pictures to them from my computer.

I can get my camera to take lower resolution pictures. However, the smallest/lowest resolution is 1.9 mega-pixles (highest being 7.1). Nevertheless, I use a photo editing program to modify the pictures to take up less memory/space, but the reading for size in the photo program is kb of memory. But, then the units to work with is not the real problem...I can get them small enough.

I would appreciate a step by step of the procedure of putting pictures in posts if you would not mind doing that.
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(Probably the easiest way to do this process the first time is to put this post on a Third Tab so you can follow it easily step by step.)

OK... This is how I do it from Photobucket... Now, there may be a simpler way but this is how I do it and it's been foolproof through about 200 posts:

Before I start, I always have the FiringLine thread that I want to post in on one Windows tab... and my Photobucket album ON ANOTHER WINDOWS TAB... It's just easier and more logical that way.

So on your first Tab, you're in your FiringLine Thread...

OK... on your 2nd Windows Tab... You're in your Photobucket album and your pics are in rows of 4... (well, that's assuming you've uploaded at least 4 pics).

Underneath each pic is a blue bar... The first category on the blue bar is "share"... Left click on "share"...

That takes you to a screen that has 3 tabs...

Left click on the tab that reads "Get Link Code"...

Go down to the line that reads "IMG for bulletin boards and forums"...

There are two choices there... Use the "Full size" choice...

Place your mouse cursor on the very far left of that little tiny line-window and hold your left mouse button down... holding the button down will make the background of that IMG code turn blue in color.... move your held-down cursor all the way to the right end of the box until you have "captured" the whole line of code... now release your finger from the left button...

The line will still have its blue background... Now... This is crucial...
Place your cursor arrow on this blu line of code and RIGHT-click on it.

This will cause a little box to appear with choices on it... Put you cursor on
"COPY" ... and LEFT click on "COPY"...

That little move has captured the code of the pic... Think of it as being "in your mouse" at that point.

Now you can go to the other tab... to your FiringLine "Reply to Thread" window... Put your cursor where you want the pic to go... RIGHT CLICK on your mouse... And choose "Paste"... (Put the arrow on "Paste" and left-click it.)

Voila!... The line of code will appear there...

When you "Submit Reply" the actual picture will appear!

It sounds complicated but... just like anything else... after you've done it a couple times it become easy.

The only problem might be in not quite getting the very beginning of the line when you capture. Make sure you capture the whole complete line.

(Probably the easiest way to do this process the first time is to put this post on a Third Tab so you can follow it easily step by step.)
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Thank you CWKahrFan. That is exactly what I was looking for. I printed out you procedure and I am sure that I will be able to follow it, first chance I get.