posting on the web....


New member
Im not sure if you would call this paranoid or not but look how eaisly we provide information that is archived on our forum here that can be accessed by a lurker or a surfer......
the type of firearms...
our location in the country...(sometimes ourcity)
what we drive......
how we are employed....
our ages....
what socks we wear...( I laughed alot on that one)...
who is related to who.....
Im not trying to be a smart@$$, but we go on and on about priviacy and we are willing to give out that info the very freedoms we look for can be used against us perhaps---for instance.....
leo or crook breaks in house, home owner kills which ever one enters home, computer is used as evidence by prosecutting attorney, they show multiple posts of archived material were the claim is made that I dont care if its a leo or bg Im gonna kill em.............guess who just hurt their case in a big way......

Im pratically computer illiterate, but I understand that there are people who have software and the knowledge to track down end users from your email address----we already know that people sell information to crooks for whatever so the crook has the knowledge he needs to steal, is it possible that a smart computer user could do the same--and were telling em what we have........

I thoroughly enjoy the net, and get careless alot, but my attenna go up alot when personal stuff gets bantered with names and nbrs etc.....

Also,,,,,whats up with the leo designation, when I grew up they were Police or
COPS---why the change......

tks for reading...fubsy.
I have been thinking about this myself the last two days.

I have even considered ending my relationship with the firing line, and going back and deleteing every post I ever made - or editing them down to the poin that all such details are erased. I have over a thousand posts - and that duty would have been a real bitch!
But then I thought about it some more.
I decided TO HELL with BIG BROTHER. I Am enjoying TFL. It is part of my persuit of Peace and Happiness. This is MY 1st Amendment stand. To Hell with anyone who would seak to destroy my rights... Especially over the Internet. The internet is GLOBAL. It goes BEYOND borders of Governments. No One shouls be able to make a LAW about its use. The Net is the Collective Mind of the Human Race. And along with that goes every DARK secret, every perversion, every offense... Counter to EVERY THING THAT IS GOOD AND PURE. The net is about FREEDOM that does not exist on the soil of the earth and only exists in the void of cyberspace. The Ultimate Bill of Rights. I have the Right to Free Speach, and also to use my words as ARMS... to Bare against any one I damn well want.
That include The US Government. The UN. The SPICE GIRLS. And whoever else pisses me off.

Whew... Where is my Alieve and Dr Pepper?

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I have thought about this too. Through information contained in my various posts, just about anyone could drive right to my house without the need for electronic snooping.

The programs you are referring to are called "fingering programs" and it doesn't take a lot of effort or much knowledge for someone to track you down.

People I know in the "high tech crimes division" in the Attorney General's Office tell me they can find you from your e-mail in just a matter of minutes. Of course, if you use a bogus account (like Hotmail) it takes a couple of minutes more. No matter how well you try to hide your identity, it is real simple to get your IP address and the number you dial in from. If you use a computer with a static IP address, say from work, it is easier yet to find you (or at least your network).

Personally, I don't really give a damn. I am a law abiding citizen who simply exercises his civil liberties from time to time. Frankly, I don't think big brother gives a rat's behind what I put on the TFL as long as I don't commit a computer crime. As for a criminal breaking in, if they are paying attention they know my firearms are secured in a safe, except for the one on my hip or in my hand.

[This message has been edited by Ankeny (edited July 03, 1999).]
Yeah, it's true. Everything you pointed out is true. But I just don't care.

I enjoy TFL and the converstations we have here too much to give them up. I don't feel I have said anything wrong. Could some of it be used against me? Probably. But so could thousands of converstations I've had in person adn on the phone over the years. Who knows how many of them are recorded.
Who's to say that the info from TFL isn't downloaded and stored somewhere every day? Deleting posts today may have no effect, there could still be hard copy from your posts or electronic storage.

I am just beyond worrying about it, I guess.

If these words comes to haunt me, the fact that someone is using TFL against me is probably not going to be my most pressing problem.

From my point of view, if after reading most of our posts expressing our beliefs about our preservation of our rights,loved ones, and property, not to mention what weapons most of us have, any BG that wants to come and take what's ours will either wind up in the morgue or America's Dumbest Crooks!!
I had the same thought as Kodiac, that is, covering my tracks.

Then I said to myself, "Self, you fight everyone who tries to mess with you. Why give up now?"

I'm not violating anyone's rights with my posts. Offended a few, most certainly, as I have been offended. That's part of life, and offensiveness isn't a crime (yet).

If the government has a problem with me expressing my outrage at their conduct, TFB. If I make some droid at BATF nervous, GOOD. They need to realize EXACTLY what they're up against.

In sum: F*** 'em.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Every time I hit the "submit reply" button I think: What will the jury think of this one? I always answer that by thinking: There is nothing I've ever posted (and I've said some pretty extreme stuff) that I wouldn't be PROUD to have read out loud at my hearing... or at a posthumous press conference.

[This message has been edited by Jordan (edited July 03, 1999).]
The day that any of our posts here come back to haunt us will be the day before the "Second" Shot Heard Around the World is fired!
Boys and Girls, I stand right here with you.
If the crooks come they will be breaking several laws in doing so. I know that our government will not take care of that. I will take care of that. If the really bad guys come yall will miss me here and start a big stink about it! Good Shooting, Hank
I enjoyed those posts...and I have to agree with ya'll, I started that thread in order to gage the respondents view,,,,and its the same as mine, the only crime I kn0w I commit is I cant drive 55(and since the city needs revenue the'll be increasing the, so that said I too will continue to post......happy first amendment.......fubsy.
From what I've read, a crook smart enough to use a computer is smart enough to figure out where not to go.

If some anti-gun prosecutorial type ever filed charges, I must say that most folks' posts here would be convincing proof of innocence for one helluva lot of juries.

Well, at least so far, since non-PC is not yet a criminal offense.
I used to think about it, and every now and again I entertain the thought. But, then I remind myself, if I fear the government for speaking my mind and standing up for principles that they have conveniently forgotten, then I give them power over my life.

I refuse to fear them, and contribute to the power they have recieved from those that do.

Besides, if enough of us stand against them, what are they going to do? THROW US IN PRISON?! Three hots and a cot (most likely), courtesy of the fearful masses. I might be wrong, but if enough of us do it, the system will be over burdened, and something will have to shift.


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

On the subject of your second question regarding the LEO designation for "cop" I think it is a product of making things simple.
LEO covers all types of cops making it easier then saying deputy sheriff, deputy marshal, police officer, federal agent, state trooper, etc.

As for giving out info it may be good if there were antis lurking. It would disspell the myth that all gun owners are redneck hillbillys.

I know about these things. I'm a retired LEO and and redneck hillbilly. :D :D :D


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
If anyone that has posted to this BB is ever involved in a shooting, and that shooting is justified, I don't think that a post on a BB stating a willingness to defend one's life is going to matter. OTOH, if not justified, then the feces will have contacted the rotary oscillator and the BB posts will come back to haunt you in the civil trial! :(

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

post from AOL...

there is a random IP socket hook up
and a few million people online at any moment

check out

they run the same BB software but the admins have foreground access to the IP address of the posters...

7-4-99 333PM EDT I will bet a dollar to a donut that most of us onTFL are already on some Federal list of somekind. The internet and Shortwave radio are where we can voice our opinions without censorship. God Bless the Republic and Death to the New World Order! Did you hear that,Comrade cop?
I've had my reservations from time to time regarding the info I post here. Fact is that TFL members know more about my guns, political views and such than my neighbors, some friends and maybe even family members. The thing of it is that this is the one place where I can discuss these things in a honest open enviroment and expect honest open answers. The web allows a special freedom to express thoughts and opinions that we may not feel comfortable saying elsewhere.
So, the hell with it. If one day one of my posts pops up to bite me on the butt, I've got plenty more to show that I'm an honest citizen who wants nothing more than to have the system work the way it was intended.
Well, if I wasn't worried, now I am... ;)

But seriously, if what we've said here gets us in trouble, the Bill of Rights hasn't been smudged, it's been torn up. By that time, the Gov't will have more problems than 2,000 people from all over the world chatting about guns and rights. They may wish we were just venting on the net, and not out in the real world...

Besides, my name is on too many mailing lists, little yellow forms and my CCW permit for me to escape notice anyway.

As far as us offending each other, who cares? I don't think anyone has offended their fellow TFLer's intentionally - it's happened inadvertantly over differences of opinion. Apologies seem quick and sincere when it happens, and the "offensive" material I've seen here is mild by internet standards (except of course the reprints of the antis "letters of encouragement"). Aren't we all here to share our opinions with others, anyway? When we really have to worry about what everyone else thinks about our beliefs - including our friends - our worst nightmare has already come true.
