Post McDonald Open Holster Rally - Maryland


New member
We are planning our 4th Open Holster Rally in protest of Maryland’s discriminatory concealed carry laws. The Supreme Courts decision on McDonald will be out and we will build off this decision.

Mark your calendars’ for July 17th and plan on joining us in Annapolis.

More details as they firm up.

Stay Tuned!

Congratulations and thanks to you. Maryland's CCL laws are grotesquely inequitable and serve only to disarm ordinary citizens. I grew up in Maryland and moved out when I was thirty, in prime measure due to the authoritarian approach taken towards firearms and firearms owners.

Btw, I'm so excited right now thinking about the upcoming McDonald decision that I can hardly contain myself!! :D
I hate to burst your bubble, but I think you are going to be


I did not see the D.C. decision by the supreme court as much of a win... 4 out of 9 don't think you should be able to even have a gun in your home?
When is the McDonald decision due to be released to us "little people". I had heard sometime this week. I don't seem to be able to find much information or speculation on when the decision will be handed down and made public. Inquiring minds want to know. :cool:
Decision before the end of the month. Most likely this Thursday or next Tuesday as I understand it.




July 17, 2010

12 Noon – 6:00 PM

On the Annapolis Waterfront

Sign up for the latest information and updates at
and follow the discussion here

Purpose: To have a large, completely peaceful and unarmed gathering of supporters of Maryland “Shall Issue” and 2nd Amendment rights. We will be wearing empty holsters in protest of the current “Discretionary Issue” system that sees Handgun Carry Permits issued only to those politically connected or dealing in extraordinarily large amounts of physical cash, or the occasional person who can meet the high burden of proof needed to receive one for self defense.

How to Participate: The intent is to have a nice day with the family and friends, while wearing in plain sight, an empty holster. You will know others participating in the protest by their open holsters. Join us at the MSI Open Holster Rally Information Booth, located at the Annapolis Waterfront (by the Market House and the City Dock). Stop by, introduce yourself and make new friends.

Basic Safety Rules: All holsters must remain empty at all times. Do not put toy guns, training guns or the like in your holster. We want to emphasize the emptiness of the holsters and our lack of protection. The holster will simply be a fashion accessory, symbolizing our vulnerability to criminals.

Long Term: The plan is to build on each Open Holster Day Rally, gathering more protesters each time, to take the protest to the next “Shall Issue" bill hearing and any bills that concern on our 2nd Amendment Rights.

No, we know the eggs contain chickens, just not sure of what type. Privilages and Immunties or Due Process... Strict Scutiny, Rational Basis, Reasonable Tests (rejected in Heller), Undue Burden, Weak Intermediate, Strong (super powerful) Intermediate, Deferential Strict, Strict...

The wording will determine how many additional cases will need to be heard to solidify the 2nd Amendment. There were actually several cases after Brown vs Board of Education that had heard and ruled on to clear up things about Brown.

The fight is on and the time to sit by the sidelines has passed.

Join us July 17th.


The fight is on and the time to sit by the sidelines has passed.

Amen, Boxcab. The virtual torches and pitchforks must come out. Empty holster events are one way to do that. I hope it goes well in MD. Also, this November will be one of the biggest opportunities to see if the American people are tired of our servants acting as though they are the masters. We need people in office who have a lot more respect for the constitution and the people than we've seen in the past few decades, at least. It won't happen in one fail swoop, but I'm hoping we the nation start moving in that direction. If it doesn't, it may be a symbol that the beginning of the end has long passed us by and we are merely waiting for the final power grab by the feds to happen. We won't know when that will be, but it may not be that far away. I hate to be on the side of doom and gloom. I'm not there yet as I am optimistic when I see the polls running against Obama and the Congress. I see a liberty spark glowing out there. I hope it can be fanned back into the freedom flame, as opposed to being snuffed out by the power brokers in Washington, D.C. I'm praying to heaven for the former, and hoping like hell we never experience the latter.
Well the SCOUS set them up for us. Now we just need to do our part.

Join us on July 17th as we begin to set the tone for the 2011 Maryland General Assembly.

One day to go! After this mornings earthquake I'm sure we'll be stirring things up in Annapolis!

Come join us tomorrow in Annapolis.

It was a great time. My son and I had a blast walking around, hitting the ice cream shop and talking to a few folks. Out of the 8 or maybe 9 people I spoke with, none had negative reactions to our cause. Maybe 2 couldn't care one way or the other, and the rest were all for it.