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Post Edit Times extended

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New member
A simple enough request. Can't recall the last forum where I've joined and didn't allow that feature to be indefinate. Read the reasons why in other threads here. Some of the arguments sound the same used to hand in guns in general. If there is a genuine technical/hardware/cost based issue then it would make sense. Thank you kindly.
It's not a cost based issue, it's a conscious decision, and has been since day one of TFL. It was a conscious decision on the part of TFL's founder/owner in alignment with his view that TFL would become something akin to an information databank.

If someone needs to make revisions to a post after 96 hours (I think that's the revision time), they have several options:

1. Add a new message below their original message with updated information.

2. Contact a mod or admin with a request to modify the message. Unless there is a compelling reason to modify the original message, option 1 is usually the best course of action.

As for unlimited modification time? Not going to happen. The best reason for that is to keep a disgruntled member from, at some point in the future, deciding to stealth delete posts that he made. I've been on boards where that's been done, and it can create a lot of havoc.

"Some of the arguments sound the same used to hand in guns in general."

Uhm... yeah, whatever.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Still can't understand the chaos/havoc reasoning. No doubt anyone looking over those threads would understand something of that nature has occured. That's certainly something easily observed online often enough. The 'havoc' explanation doesn't seem to hold water, but they're the house rules so that's that.

"Some of the arguments sound the same used to hand in guns in general."
Uhm... yeah, whatever.

Simply put the notion that 'others do it', 'it's happened elsewhere' etc, is something anti-gun policy uses to sell itself to those naive enough to buy.
Outside of aknowledgement that something has been deleted (heavily edited with date stamp) exactly what is meant by havoc anyway? Yes it does ring of that false notion that guns automatically mean something dies.

Re-reading my original post you might call it unclear and such (warranting a follow-up post), but don't think it warrented that response. At no time have I indicated an anti-firearms stance or anything but disdain at those in the anti-gun camp. Perhaps it's an online thing where a statement sometimes loses it's meaning but that came accross as mostly discourteous.

Wouldn't have gone into detail here if it wasn't for that last response of yours. Would have just thanked you for the response and left it at that.
Okay then, you're the mod and you make the rules.
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When a statement like that comes across, it can only be read as a pejorative.

That response is a heavily moderated version of what I was originally going to say.

Quite frankly, you didn't even need to say it to begin with.
That's only your interpretation, that it is pejorative.

Reasons including noting how readily mods here shut threads (not a complaint but an observations), were in part motivation for making that statement. It didn't look like Mods had any problems reigning things in. Another would be a low tolerance for anything that resembles the hypocrisy that is anti-this-that arguments and at times policy. Somethings start off as innocently as compulsory seatbelt laws.

Simply put I didn't say it flippantly or to elicit that kind of response from anyone here. That's what the havoc argument reads like.

Were you going to say something vulgar as well as discourteous? Please, don't hold back on my account. Or insinuate, suggest, imply that I instigated that reaction in an absolute sense. Mod or not, you claim that part as your own interpretation.

Time for me to heavily moderate my response from here.
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I like the way Mods handle the edit business

From my own gained/guessed knowledge I have learned:

1)you have no more than 5 minutes to make an edit without it informing other TFL members

2)during that 5minutes, you have three opportunities to make the edit without it showing up to other TFL members(on the 4th the edit will show up no matter how quick it is done).

**I now know 96 hours is the alotted time before an edit can not be made, yet I have never needed that much time to find out


there really is no reason why you can't just add another post. If you absolutely have to, you can cite your original post.

The 5 minute time to edit helps people proofread that really should be checking their work before they submit anyways.

As for unlimited modification time? Not going to happen. The best reason for that is to keep a disgruntled member from, at some point in the future, deciding to stealth delete posts that he made. I've been on boards where that's been done, and it can create a lot of havoc.

yeah, sort of like facebook where people erase comments under pictures where others still lay. -never understood why people would do that...

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Still can't understand the chaos/havoc reasoning. No doubt anyone looking over those threads would understand something of that nature has occured. That's certainly something easily observed online often enough. The 'havoc' explanation doesn't seem to hold water, but they're the house rules so that's that.

I hear you, but if people could just delete posts it would cause havoc. People would be left confused and see other related posts still there where they're supposed to be with the other ones and really have no clue what was going on. I have seen people try. The best they could do was leave an edit trail(unless they did it under 5minutes) by just saying something like, "I deleted my post" or by erasing everything but two letters. The post has been deleted but the record that this person did that remains since they can't do whatever they choose at this stage- as well as the date and time they originally posted. Even that doesn't work because there first response is recorded in people's email notifications from TFL(unless they don't allow this for personal reasons). I like it myself.

all the best
And, on that note, I'll be doing what some perceive as readily shutting a thread down...(just trying to lighten it up).

DRBoyle, lost in translation may be the case. Unfortunately, we come across scores of posts like yours (not necessarily the same topic) and we naively think it's in earnest. Then, when it really is in earnest, collatoral damage happens. I hope you understand our take as we understand yours...

OP's question was answered. Closed.
My last word on this subject, lifted shamelessly from the conversation with another mod...

"Even attempting to equate the post editing time window of a bulletin board to any form of gun control whatsoever is, well, there's no way to get around this, it's ludicrous."

Ultimately, if posters don't like how things are run here, the only thing holding them here is themselves.
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