post and answer revolver question

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Don Mallard

New member
355sigfan made remarks concerning the handicap where the revolver was/is concerned. His remarks were not personal nor directed towards anyone. My request that he present facts is not directed in a personal manner either. So give the answer 355SigFan in this fine public forum. You opened the door concerning this so answer.
Don Mallard
Okay, I'll start. 355sigfan is a LE Officer I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong. I sincerely think that he has nothing against revolvers per say? I'm supposing he's giving the edge to semi-auto's because of his profession.
To me, not being in LE, revolver/semi-auto makes no diffence, but to some it does. If I were to get in a firefight I certainly would rather have a hi-cap semi-auto than a revolver. In LE the edge goes to semi-auto's....for civilian use it really doesn't matter. Best, J. Parker
Okay, I'll start. 355sigfan is a LE Officer I believe.
I think a more correct statement would be, " is allegedly a LE Officer."
Correct me if I'm wrong. I sincerely think that he has nothing against revolvers per say?
Actually, he continuously parrots revolvers are obsolete, period. He has repeatedly stated that revolver are not viable weapons for either for LE or personal defence use (or even just general carry--unless you live in grizzly/kodiak country). He has stated they are hard to shoot, and that anyone who carries them are placing their lives in jeorpardy. He refuses to admit that, like any other weapon, the revolver has its strengths as well as its weakness, or that it has role to play in today's world (other than bear gun). He believes, because he cannot shoot quickly and accurately, they are useless. He consistenly makes that statements that indicates he believes that man behind the weapon is not as important as the weapon in determining the outcome of a fight.
In LE the edge goes to semi-auto's
He he would say this, and provide some sound reasons (there are some--though to be honest, in probably 99.9% of armed encounters the pistol has no fight-deciding advantage over the revolver) that would be one thing. Instead, he makes absolutely asinine assertions like revolver are "obsolete," and you would be as well armed with a flintlock.
Don - Tamara has been very gentle with you and these essentially personal messages to 355sigfan. She has closed 3 of them at this point. I am going to close this one. Trust me, this is getting on her nerves, my nerves and several others nerves.

If you wish to challenge a members observations and opinions, by all means please do so, but do it in the thread in which their opinions are made not in a separate challenging thread. You questioned 355sigfan in the "Revolver competions?" thread and he answered a few hours later. In the meantime you have started two threads challenging him to answer you. If a member doesn't want to answer a question, that is their prerogative.

Please refrain from starting any more challenging threads. As Tamara has asked 3 times already, please take it to email or to the Private Messaging system.
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