Post 86 FA possession??


New member
I noticed several print articles as of late concerning foreign contractors in the Mideast with various FA military hardware? These US companies aren't considered LEO right? So how do they acquire some the weapons they have - new MP-5's, new SAW's, etc? Are they US companies with FA guns from foreign suppliers only to be kept overseas? On a similar note, having worked with some large US defense contractors some of their facilities are heavily armed in the US due to some of the stuff going on inside and once again I assume they are not LEO nor military. Granted these personnel tend to "conceal" some to protect Joe Public, I'm like the rest of you provide me a glance of what you have in your guard station and I instantly recognize it.

How do these entities acquire post 86 weapons?
If You Look On Colt's Web Sight A Non Gov. Security Force Can Purchase Fa Weapons. But They Put On The Doctors Glove And Go Deep To Make Sure You Are Who You Say You Are.
There are exceptions in the law. 18 USC 922(o) states:

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), it shall be unlawful for any person to transfer or possess a machinegun.
(2) This subsection does not apply with respect to—
(A) a transfer to or by, or possession by or under the authority of, the United States or any department or agency thereof or a State, or a department, agency, or political subdivision thereof;​

Some non-governmental entities can buy post-86 weapons as a consequence of their contracts with the US government. For example, I have a good friend who works for a private security firm hired to protect certain assets of the DOE. They can acquire post-86 weapons (mostly M4s, M60s, M240s, and M2HBs, as well as M203s and M79s) as a result of their relationship with the DOE.
Multiple ways:

1. Outside the follow the countries rules you are in. In Iraq, most defense contractors are provided either Gov't guns or can buy the guns "in country". Woe is the fellow that tries brining it home.

2. Inside the US, all that is required is a SOT/FFL and a demo letter if you are "buying" or more than likely a SOT/FFL as a MFG and a company can make as many as they need.

3. Any contractor so authorized by the US Gov't can have whatever it wants.
I wonder how these contractors get approved? I figure it would be a redtape trail to end all redtape trails...

I read a thing on the ATFE site where some Fort Campbell soldiers gathered several AK's welded them inside welding tanks and sent home. Got busted selling to undercover ATFE agent.
Normally it's an agency approval for a contact company.

For Example:

A security company gets a contract in Iraq.
They need compatible weapons in Iraq.
Part of the contract spec is that the US Gov't will provide weapons on the ground in Iraq.

Company gets a contract (like Wackenhut) Part of the contract includes that they must provide their own weapons. They then have to BUY those weapons and in order to get them, they get approval from whomever.
Thanks gentlemen. All of this is pretty much what I assumed but never really saw any specific things documenting it. Like I said, been too many places where non-LEO people had post 86 weapons and wondered......
my buddy just got back from Iraq for the second time, he was over there as a private military contractor this time (Dyncorp). I actually asked him the same question and he said that his specific M4 was on loan from the state department