Possible third party solution?


New member
As we all know, We are constanly hearing/saying "well, I'd vote for (insert 3rd party here), but they have no chance of winning". I just recently was talking with a person who is opposed to Bush in much the same manner that I am to Gore, ie, I couldn't vote Libertarian bacause it may allow Gore to win. Well, I mentioned to her that, if there was a third party that she supported, I'd vote third party also, thus countering her non-vote for Gore. I think this may be a good way to get people to stir things up a bit.

From the Committee to Use Proffesional Politicians as Lab Animals
She doesn't have bad dreams because she's made of plastic...
bad Kiki! No karaoke in the house!
Larry Flynt is right. You guys stink!!!
If you're thinking gun control, I'm very very sorry; but the majority wants some manner of gun control - even a majority of those "hunter" gunowners e.g. support fullauto bans.

Most support a lot of social programs - few support NO social programs, which is what Libertarians stand for.

The two major parties represent aspects the majority viewpoint. Significant deviations from this viewpoint by definition cannot win in democratic election.

So give it up.

If you're interested in a third party, check out www.constitutionparty.com Be sure to check out their 2000 national platform.

Stop The New World Order!

[This message has been edited by Randy B (edited August 07, 2000).]