Possible new TFL Gathering point.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Today has been a good day.
Stratfordholdings and I went to this new location... Take the Price Manti exit off I-15 and head east on HWY 6 for 11 miles. When you see the exit for the Diamond campground to the left, you take a right just a few yards past. Follow the road down into the little cannyon and then follow the old highway to the end. This little cannyon has a lot of places for shooting, camping, and fishing.
Would make a great spot for an overnight with a campfire and the works...

We did a lot of blasting with rifle, shotgun, and handgun... had a great time. We took a few pics of the area and stuff... If they turn out, I'll post links to them.

You DO realise that's where half a mountain slid down and blocked off the Spanish Fork river and wiped out the town of Thistle just up-stream, don't you:eek: ? Just the other side of the big slide (due south of where you were) is a shooting range, though I don't know all the particulars. Used mostly by local LE and a few IDP-types I believe. Any signs of being private property? If not, I agree that it'd be a great place for an overnight outing. I did notice that US 6 is just "up the hill" from you there, and with the increased presence of LE due to the number of auto accidents on that particular piece of blacktop (over 300 citations last weekend?:eek: !?) a TFL outing might get real interesting, if you know what I mean?

I still think it'd be a great place if we can though! Let us all know if you have any other info!

Nope... No more information about the area.
There may be other areas better suited. I'm just looking for areas that have some qualities we don't have at the normal spots.

1. easy access.
2. some shade.
3. good camping spot.
4. place you could relax at (fishing).
5. good shooting spot.

Doug... you know more about Utah than I do.
You know any spots that meet these 5 qualifications?

I know lots of places that fit #'s 1-4, but the volume of shooting at a Utah TFL gathering does tend to limit the number of places that fit #5:) ! I'll check with some of my Forest Service contacts about that location, and since I may have several open weekends in June I'll try to check it out, as well.

I do like the idea of fishing, camping AND shooting:D :D !

That place Ogre is talking about is good. Hi volume won't be an issue down there. Me a a few buddies were down there last year and drained almost 3000 rounds of 7.62x39 in a few hours.

I still have a nice gas tube burn scar as a memory. We didn't have any problems with people or cops and there are always plenty of LEO up there cause of the canyon. You're right they went through a period of heavy enforcement for a while to get the mario andretti knuckleheads to slow down through the canyon but it's tapered off drastically. I'll ask my buddy tonight (UHP) if they are still focusing up there but I don't think so.

It's a great spot though, I believe that little stream has brookies and rainbows in it.

I just got an e-mail from the local IDPA club. They aren't going to be able to shoot their once a month match there anymore because of some sort of conflict with UDOT. I don't have any other information.
who doesn't have a conflict with UDOT? Who hires those guys? Who's the frickin' genius that decided to shut down I-15 through Ogden to ONE lane for four months?

Where do we get these guys? Are they the ones that didn't quite pass the Common Sense 101 class in school? I've been through some big cities while they were rebuildin' freeways and I've never seen freeways torn up like this or traffic messed so bad (that wasn't already severely messed up)

I've got a half-a-case of wolf left, I think I'll go shoot it all off sometime this week to see if anyone complains...... :p