Possible legislative trap


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The following is posted for general interest, and consideration.

Beware NRA's Project Exile Bill HR4051
Mon, 10 Apr 2000 21:58:47 -0400
"Weldon Clark" <whclark1@bigfoot.com>

Beware NRA's Project Exile Bill HR4051

NRA is pushing HR4051 the so called project exile bill. This is a dangerous

Representative Lindsey Graham April 10, 2000
1429 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
phone 202-225-5301 fax 3216

Dear Representative Graham,

I did as your assistant suggested and went to www.thomas.loc.gov and put in
HR4051 and
pressed the go button. I have read the bill. This bill bribes states to
enact laws to place
violent criminal and those who break serious drug laws and who carry or
posse firearms in
prison under a mandatory sentence. However the following is wrong with the

Every state will introduce a gun bill to do that and much, much more. The
bill does not say
that the state cannot apply the mandatory sentence to just any violation of
any law effecting
firearms or anything else for that matter. We will have to fight gun bills
in every state in the

The bill needs a provision that says that the states cannot make mandatory
sentences apply
to less serious firearms laws and other things as well if they are to
receive grants under the
law that HR4051 would create.

Also the bill allows the Attorney general to expand the scope of the bill.
As you know the
present occupant of that office is very anti-gun.

Very truly yours,

Weldon H. Clark Jr.
Liberty, SC