Possible jump in prices on the horizon


New member
Had an interesting conversation with a brass manufacturer yesterday, he told me to get ready for significant jumps in both brass and copper components as the raw materials supplies are tightening. That can also lead to delays in production runs.
I can believe it. There was an article about a decade back wherein Sierra mentioned they try to buy metals during market downturns and buy enough to have stock for a couple of years. Well, the pandemic has certainly eaten up most of that time, plus there has been all the panic buying going on simultaneously, so I bet that supply has been depleted and now they are having to shop when prices are high just to keep their people working.

The metal shortage is about supply lines and shipping availability. One refrigeration equipment supplier told me steel is now effectively rationed. They used to buy 90 days worth at a go, but the supplier will only sell them 30 days worth at a time now. He's trying to help out all his customers by having at least some amount available, so he won't let any one of them draw the stock down too far.

If you look here, you can see how metal prices have gone up over the last year. Copper up 73%, lead up 23%, Aluminum up 57%, iron ore up 226%. Something has to pay for it.
Most manufacturers have already announced price increases. Some went into effect in May (with more likely to come). Most roll in from July through September.
Minimum 10-15% across the board (all manufacturing).
15-40% for ammunition and components, depending upon brand and product type.
But the talking heads say it is "good" inflation. It is only impacting food, housing, fuel, transportation, and raw materials.
We're fine.
Just fine.
Primer retail prices up by about double

Its not just brass, the primer and powder costs are also going up. Primers are becoming more available on retail shelves, but powder is pretty unobtainable on the retail shelves.

Just purchased a brick of CCI 450 primers at Cabales today for $65 per brick. There were also CCI large rifle primers at about the same price. They had about four cases on the local shelf today which is quite a bit more than usual when they receive a primer shipment.

Bullets are still available, but this particular retail outlet had ZERO smokeless powder available.

I think retail prices will not be coming down to pre-covid levels. I think were going to see about a doubling in pre-covid price for primers.

two bits....

Maybe we will see the day where we get a refund on our brass from ammo suppliers? Brass catchers on everything even .22s??
Probably nobody noticed, but a candidate appears to have won Peru's election with a vow to heavily tax the mining sector. Look on a bag of Eagle brand lead shot and see where it's made.

The EPA regulations helped shut down mining in this country, so the metal has to come from somewhere else. Ever since 2001, when Bush started the Iraq war, prices have been going up steadily. That happens in war time. When they added Afghanistan it made it worse. When Obama got the EPA involved in shutting down mining in the USA prices jumped again. If foreign countries can figure out how to get more money for their exports, they will, and we will just pay. Or reopen mines and start mining our own ores again.