POSSIBLE conflict of interest mentioned, judge for yourself


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The above link will take readers to an article in today's Accuracfy In Media (AIM). The article raises question re the appearance of possible conflicts of interest vis-a-vis connections/relationships betweeen the Clintons (Bill and Hillary) and Saudi Arabia. People might read the AIM article and or the original piece, a link is provided, and draw their own conclusions.

Speaking personally, I've never been a particular fan of either Bill or Hillary. I have significant questions re the present Bush administration too.

I hate the Bubba Clan as much as the next red blooded, gun-owning American, but that article is tenuous at best.

The Saudi royal family has a long legacy of throwing money all over the world. It is in their best interests to give money to anyone who will allow for a "legitimized" voice to represent their Wahabist Monarchy: It doesn't matter if it's Bush, Clinton, Badnarik, Perot or Paul.

The Saudis do this to preserve their unraveling control over their country and monarchy.
There are always conflicts of interest.

The Bush family is supposedly connected to the Bin Laden family, which is why some people say the Bin Laden relatives in the US were whisked away to Saudi Arabia right after 9-11, despite all air traffic being grounded.

And then you have the obvious conflicts of interest between Bush and Big Oil, Halliburton, and Blackwater.

So I don't really see how this is too much of a big deal, or really anything surprising.
I won't rehash. If you don't believe there are conflicts between Bush and Big Oil by now, then nothing I can say will change your mind. I will respect you opinion, but I disagree.
the appearance of possible conflicts of interest vis-a-vis connections/relationships

This is a very good topic to consider. As a general proposition, our government should never be financially tied to foreign interests. Unfortunately, at the very highest levels, our government has been delighted that the Chinese and the Arab oil states have, for years, been willing to lend the US money to continue spending beyond our means.
I won't rehash. If you don't believe there are conflicts between Bush and Big Oil by now, then nothing I can say will change your mind

Rehash what? You haven't told us what conflicts you believe exist. How do we even know whether we agree with you, or not?
Rehash what?

Start by reading "House of Bush, House of Saud", then look into family ties via the Carlyle group, then look at the fact that most if not all the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi Arabian and that certain conclusions can be drawn due to the fact that nothing was done against SA proper.

I added that third point even though it can be shown to have reasonable doubt (there are any number of reasons no action was taken). It is refutable, but adds color in light of the other two.
Start by reading "House of Bush, House of Saud", then look into family ties via the Carlyle group, then look at the fact that most if not all the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi Arabian and that certain conclusions can be drawn due to the fact that nothing was done against SA proper.

I added that third point even though it can be shown to have reasonable doubt (there are any number of reasons no action was taken). It is refutable, but adds color in light of the other two.

Any chance you could give me the CliffsNotes version?

As for conflicts of interest, actual or seeming, anyplace where large amounts of money are tossed around, there will be the abvove mentioned.

As for Bush, it seems to me that there are definite conflicts of interest between the sort of thing he pushes/supports and individual freedom, as Americans have known it.

BTW, DITTO for the Clintons.