Positive OC experience today!

chris in va

New member
I haven't OC'ed in quite a while, thought I'd try it again in WalMart when I needed to get some ammo for the range. Standing at the counter, I felt a tap on my shoulder and immediately thought, "oh great, here we go".

But, the gentleman simply said "I'm proud of you for open carrying" and gave me the thumbs up.

I can only dream of doing this in the inner beltway of DC. I've been carrying conceal for over 10 years and don't need the hassles. Also in the crowded confines of the Walmarts in this area I can't have some moron decide to grab or reach for my pistol and have to react. All the gawking and pointing would put fear in the uninformed that the police would be called out and management would ask me to leave. Big hassle.
Also in the crowded confines of the Walmarts in this area I can't have some moron decide to grab or reach for my pistol and have to react. All the gawking and pointing would put fear in the uninformed that the police would be called out and management would ask me to leave. Big hassle

Now, do you speak from experience on this? Have you tried it? I'm not saying I haven't had negative comments, but certainly nothing like you describe.
Not myself personally. I've seen open carry before by others and the hassles given to these individuals are not worth it. The harassment by Fairfax County police and businesses. Now I have also seen some where its tolerated and life goes on without any problem. I guess I don't want to be bothered or the attention they received. Also after carrying concealed for so long its uncomfortable to be out in the open. You are a braver and better man than I carrying in the open.
Good on ya, Chris -

And the world, it would appear, is still spinning on its axis.

I carry openly as a matter of course, from Loudon County to Arlington to the Northern Neck.

No problems worth mentioning. A few funny or sour looks, for sure, and one hilarious gawking incident with one fellow so worried about a holstered revolver he almost got run over standing in a supermarket driveway. Safety first!
he almost got run over standing in a supermarket driveway.

Now that's funny right there.

I did have a somewhat comedic event a few months ago. Shopping at WalMart, a 'backwoods' kinda guy and his younger son happened to see my Sig and said, "Whoa, now lookit that huge gun he's got!". I could only imagine what he'd say if I had a Desert Eagle.
I'm in NVA and rarely ever OC..

I do it at the range and and my gun shop on the way home from the range. Outside of that, I have never open carried and probably never well. Thanks for picking up my slack Chris.
While OC is legal in Kentucky I've heard you will get hassled, especially in Northern Kentucky. I figure I don't need the hassle and have never tried.

Nice job giving the right a workout in VA. It always surprises me how many people are pro-gun and pro-hunting despite the efforts to demonize both.