Porting questions???


New member
My mother is going to take up shooting a handgun. After trying out quite a few guns she's decided she likes the feel of the S&W 460 in .357 mag(hammerless/DA). Now for the questions - the gun she likes best has a 2 1/2" barrel and is ported. Price is $459. I've found the same gun, not ported for a hundred dollars less. How much reduction in recoil and muzzle flip will be seen in the ported version with this short of a barrel? How much louder will the ported version be over the non-ported. Is it worth the difference in cost? She'll be shooting .38 Special loads for practising and .357 loads for home defense. I have no experience with ported handguns so any help would be appreciated.

[This message has been edited by slymule (edited January 16, 2000).]
The recoil reduction with the ports is noticeable. That's why competitive shooters use them.

However, my personal opinion about porting in defensive arms is DON'T DO IT. Yes, it reduces muzzle flip but it adds some unsavory side effects for defensive use. EXTREME noise, EXTREME flash (especially in the dark confines of a home at night), LOTS of HIGH VELOCITY HOT GAS venting from the ports (dangerous when firing from a retention position). My personal belief is that, during the adrenalin pumped circumstance of true self defense situation, the extra recoil won't be noticed but the other effects will.

Neither do I personally recommend .357 mags for home defense, especially out of snubbies. The extra velocity you get out of the 2 to 3 inch barrels is minimal, compared to a good .38 special, but the extra noise and flash are EXTREME and can render the nightime defender deaf and blind after the first shot.

As always, just my opinion...

I can reinforce the noise aspect of the 357mag. I had an occasion to shoot my old 4"bbl S&W 357 while in my car, the gun held out through the window.

I was almost deaf for a week, and a serious earache.
Hey thanks guys, I'll tell my dad to save his money and buy mom the non-ported model. Dad's hearing is about like mine, no since in making mom half deaf too! Mikey, good suggestions on the added flash and on using the .38 special ammo too! One more question along this line. I'm presuming that +P ammo in .38 special would be somewhere in between using regular .38 special and .357, as far as muzzle flash is concerned. Is this a correct assumption - seems logical?
Ported handguns really do reduce felt recoil. They are also very LOUD :eek:! I have heard contrasting views on the muzzle flash issue. I have read some articles in the gun rags which conclude that muzzle flash with a ported gun doesn't have any more negative effect on your sight than a normal non-ported gun (you will still blink, you will still lose what little night vision you have). Even a small flash in darkness will blind you momentarily. I think target guns can really benifit from porting, but I wouldn't use one for self defense. Shake

[This message has been edited by Shake (edited January 17, 2000).]