Port Arthur - should have been stopped

Tonight on tv they were replaying phone conversations of Martin Bryant(mass muderer) and police negotiators.
Now Martin Bryant is mentally slow and supposedly has the mental age of a 12 year old.
Well when he spoke it was very obvious he has a few roos loose i his top paddock.
I just wonder how someone could sell a gun to this idiot. The police had investigated his fathers suicide - his father drowned himself in a dam. They also investigated a crash of a old woma who hewas frieds with. Apparetly he had a habit of grabbing the steering wheel on some occasions. Nothing was prove i either case.
Also once he took a gun to get repaired and the gunn shop informed the police because the gun was illegal somehow.
There had also been complaints from neighbours about him shooting at night.
I just can't believe how all these warning signs didn't prompt some sort of police action.
I Tasmania liceces wern't required at that time but the Police should have done something. If he was mentally normal It would have been hard to stop but he was very obvioulsy not normal.
In NSW the Strathfield massacre murderer(7 dead) was know to police,In Victoria one of the massacress there was carried out by someone kicked out of the army.
In the Victorian police shootings recetly - the shooters gun licence had expired and he had metal problems.

It's about time we start looking at Police i action and incompetence. Anti-gunners like to claim these are random events by normal people with no mental or police records.
Thats plain wrong.

It's just like the serial backpackers murders in NSW a few years back. Ivan Milat killed a number of hitch hikers. An Ennglish tourist had been picked up by him and Milat had a gun and tried to kidnap him. The tourist escaped and told police. It wasn't followed up and the reports went missing. If it had been followed up he wouldnn't have killed as many.

I'm not blaming police but it's about time they took some responsibility fo their actions.
For those who came in late ....

It was the mass shooting by Martin Bryant that precipitated the great "Gun Grab" and the new (Un)Uniform Gun Laws across Australia.

RA, he was definitely a couple of snags short of a full barbie!!!!

Given that we don't know how edited the tapes were that we heard tonight, he was actually asking the police negotiator what was going on! He had "heard someone was shooting people" and wanted to know if anyone "had been hurt"!! It was (supposedly) he who had done it!!

And if you read between the lines, the police "sniper" with the "red dot sight" (that's a quote, and Bryant is supposed to have known nothing about guns) had him in his sights through the window.

Why the hell didn't the "sniper" pull the bloody trigger!

There's been a "cover-up" all right -- plain bloody incompetence and bungling.

I think in Tasmania the Police weren't allowed to shoot unless lives were in immediate danger. So someone shoots 35 people and you sit back and negotiate with him ?
The people in the house were dead before the Police got there although they didn't know that.
They should have shot him the first chance they got but they didn't. It didn't make any difference in the end but I somehow doubt in America they would have done the same which is a pity. He doesn't deserve to live.