Polychoke and bead sight

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I have been looking at a Winchester 12 for months now. It has a Polychoke and I can't see anything that would ensure that the bead is even remotely aligned with the center of the gun. Can I expect any use from that bead or it for decoration only? And if it is accurate now, will it still be after I disassemble for cleaning?

It is a shotgun, isn't it. As far as the bead, you should do pattern tests with the gun to see where it shoots. Beads are not supposed to be like the front post on a rifle as shotguns are pointed, not aimed. If your rifle is not shooting in the center of the bull, you adjust the rear sight. not the front (in most cases usually)

If you shoot the gun off center, then you can adjust the stock to make it shoot where you want it to. The placement of your cheek on the stock is the equivalent of the rear sight on a rifle.

Polychokes have been used by many shooters and some very good shooters won competitions with them.

Never tried to disassemble one, so I am not knowledgeable about that.

Geoff Ross
Much good work has been done with Polychoke equipped shotguns.I'd be loath to run steel shot or slugs through one, but that's just natural conservatism.

Most Poly'd guns shoot a little lower than their plain bbled brethren,but the bead's still usable.

Cleaning is simple, just unscrew the collar, remove it and clean the "Petals" and lube them.

Note that the markings,ie,Full, Modified, rarely correspond to the actual chokes. I'd pattern it and remark with say, fingernail polish or Testor's enamel...