Poly Baby Eagle 9mm compact


New member
I've noticed about a dozen or so of these on gunbroker for $319.

Whats the story behind them?

How do they compare to their steel brothers?

$319 just seems like a real good price if they are indeed a quality weapon.

Their mags seem to work ok in the EAA compact, so its possible that the EAA compact 13rd mags would work in them as well. Then again, maybe not.
Poly Baby Eagle 9mm

I got one in January w/an extra mag. and a Bianchi IWB 6D-11A holster for $379. It shoots quite well and feeds any 9 mm I put thru it. Carrying it with a round in the pipe makes me more comfortable(because of the decocker and safety) than doing the same with my Glock 27--BUT the Baby is a good deal heavier and about 3/8 inch bigger overall. Easily concealable but still the Glock is overall more comfortable to wear and makes bigger holes (40 S&W) where it hits.
Mechanically the Baby Eagle is a real gem, the Israelis done good when they made mine; I likes it!!!!:p
Oooh, that appears to be an ambidextrous compact (decocker)!! I like that, especially in the Baby Eagle, those Isrealis really know how to make a gun.

Does anyone know how much heavier the all-steel version is? I like steel; IMO, it's better overall than polymer (although heavier). Not trying to start a flame-war, just an unsubstantiated opinion. :)