Polls, Polls, Polls...


New member
Like many of you I listen to Rush Limbaugh on the radio when I can. Here in NY he is heard on WABC radio.

All day the news report given on WABC each hour has been touting a new poll conducted by Quinnipiac College (Where The H**L that is I do not Know). The poll taken in NYC and "Upstate NY" indicates that 71% of NYC residents polled want more gun control!, but only 37% of upstaters want the same!

Almost every day they tout some new poll that usually has a leftist bent, everything from Clintons peccadilloes to Ten Commandments in schools to the mean nasty Republicans and their latest crime against humanity.This was the first time they actually admitted that the poll was based in NYC (The liberal sewer of the world) and actually admitted that they polled in another area and received a different result.

I have checked outside and the sky is not falling. Could the media possibly be starting to change its additude, maybe just a little?
And I'm married to Julia Roberts.
The day the media is on are side is the day I get really scared.
When the media is on our side, it means they are scared. And if they are scared. it's about to get real ugly.