Polls don't count...

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Staff In Memoriam
I may be a simple minded redneck but I aren't stupid.
We see these polls and many folks think it is a close race.
Keeping in mind that most polls are run by liberal minded media sources, you can expect more folks asked will be the liberal types drawn to the poll taker person.
Next remember that they often take place during working hours so the lay about liberals are the majority walking around loose at these times. The republican voter is at WORK. When they get off work they typically head to the house to spend time with the family they cherish.
Last I like to think that many of us keep our voting intentions close to the cuff.
With every presidential election I have watched I notice the Dems do real well until lunch time then the GOP candidate shows strong. Dems pull ahead again until late afternoon when the republican voters get off the job and the gop offering again gets big numbers... Kinda shows where we are during the day...
you probably believe your own BS

"Keeping in mind that most polls are run by liberal minded media sources, you can expect more folks asked will be the liberal types drawn to the poll taker person.
Next remember that they often take place during working hours so the lay about liberals are the majority walking around loose at these times. The republican voter is at WORK. When they get off work they typically head to the house to spend time with the family they cherish." MeekAndMild

Only a really confused person would believe most of the foolishness. You've made the claim now show us something other than you statement to prove you points. For I doubt you can prove most if any of your suppositions.
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