Poll: Two-thirds of Americans Want New Impeachment Review


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From www.newsmax.com

NEW YORK—A NewsMax.com/Zogby International poll finds that two-thirds of Americans want Congress to consider a second round of impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton for possibly swapping United States military secrets to China in exchange for campaign cash.
Americans overwhelmingly indicated they are seriously concerned that President Clinton may have authorized the sale and transfer of nuclear and ballistic missile technology to China. The national survey of 1,005 registered voters was conducted by NewsMax.com/Zogby last week.

The NewsMax.com/Zogby poll comes on the heels of a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released last week that found that 50 percent of Americans now approve of Congress’ impeachment of Clinton in December of 1998 after the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Americans apparently take the China allegations more seriously.

Since 1996, federal law enforcement and congressional sources have claimed that large amounts of money — some estimates place the amount as high as $10 million — were funneled from Chinese government sources to help the Democratic National Committee fund Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign in 1996.

For the rest of the article: www.newsmax.com/articles/?a=1999/12/20/215921

Ah, this would be sweet, wouldn't it? Heh heh heh...
I haven't heard peep one about this on any major media source....hmmm, wonder why ;)

Once His Billness is down, they are next and they know it

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
It's never going to happen. The Republicans are terrified of stirring up a sh*t storm this close to the election.
This day and age adultery isn't that big a deal, so nobody cared. Selling away our secrets on the other hand is a very serious problem with very bad potential. I don't understand the thinking of the populace these days, it has me baffled.

Like an animal locked up in a cage, through my inheritance I was born to rage.
I don't care that Clinton got a hummer in the Oval Office.

I *do* care that he lied about it under oath (which is a felony, IIRC) and wasn't punished.

I *do* care that he commits crimes (rape, extortion, treason &c) and nothing happens to him.

I *do* care that he flagrantly violates, on a daily basis, the same Constitution that he and most of us here have sworn to uphold and defend.

I *do* care that my life is directly and negatively affected by his actions.

I want that bastard GONE.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Coineach: He will be gone. In January of 2001. Unless a convienient air disaster or terrorist attack kills the President elect, along with the rest of the chain of succession, "forcing" him to remain in office. And I wouldn't bet against that happening.

But he's not going to be removed by Congress. First, because it would take Democratic votes to remove him, and there aren't enough Democrats who aren't corrupt to make that happen, no matter WHAT gets pinned on Clinton. Second, because the Republicans don't have the guts to try it again; They only did it the first time because Starr forced their hand, and THAT time they deliberately took a dive. Threw out most of the charges Starr suggested. Refused to consider other charges. Threw away massive documentation of crimes provided by third parties like Judicial Watch. And I don't even want to talk about that farce in the Senate.

Face it, Coineach; Filegate worked. He succeeded in collecting enough dirt on the Republican leadership to de-ball them. The best we can hope for is prosecutions after he leaves office, and you can bet he's been using the Injustice department to destroy every bit of evidence against him possible.

Sic semper tyranus!
Rule of Law ended in this nation when the Senate refused to convict in the impeachment trial. We officially established that the political "royalty" is above the law that it holds the rest of us to and is answerable only to themselves. So much for the king not being a law to himself.

Chinagate or whatever you want to call it is not a new story. It is much better politically to regale the public with lurid tales of illicit sex then to let the truth about treason come out. I for one find it a little too coincidental that all of the revalations about Monica came out just as the China story was starting to pick up momentum. Took China right out of the news.

These people are not stupid, they knew that lurid tales of oral sex in the Oval Office would intrigue the public and the media much more then the sale of the administration to the Chinese.

We were dirverted and duped by the media's increasing desire to be like the National Enquirer and some very smart people in the administration who knew that the hopes of convicting Clinton on perjury and obstruction of justice charges would give the conservatives something to think about and the lurid details would give the sheeple something to occupy their time. This effectively covered all of the China operations. It will be years before enough investigating will be done to bring any charges against the high level members of the Democratic party.

I look for the next president, either Democrat or Republican to simply state that further investigation of these allegations will just divide and fragment the nation, issue a blanket pardon to all involved and use this as a selling point to push a Campaign Finance Reform bill through congress that will obstensively prevent this from happening again, but in reality will strip what little influence we have in the electoral process from us.

Coinneach, how did Klinton drive that "hummer" into the orifice, I mean Oval Office???????

From my cold dead hands.

You wrote

Face it, Coineach; Filegate worked. He succeeded in collecting enough dirt on the
Republican leadership to de-ball them. The best we can hope for is prosecutions after
he leaves office, and you can bet he's been using the Injustice department to destroy
every bit of evidence against him possible.

Sic semper tyranus!

Re "de-balling", you cannot remove anything that did not previously exist, balls, tits or anything else that might come to mind.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The NewsMax.com/Zogby poll comes on the heels of a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released last week that found that 50 percent of Americans now approve of Congress’ impeachment of Clinton in December of 1998 after the Monica Lewinsky scandal[/quote]
Pretty much says it all. Scandal instead of treason. No question about it, Clinton is one of the *dirtiest* ever to hold office. The scandal was nothing more than a diversion. I think Jeff White is spot on about it.
I have to agree w/ Rich... Where were these people when they impeached him last time? Where was they're support for the ones trying to do their job? Like Bruels said, the Republican ain't gonna do squat this close to election time..
