Poll: Sig P220 .45ACP (8+1rounds) or P226 .40 (10+1 rounds) for home defense?

P220 hands down. It fits my hand well, I am accurate with it, and I prefer .45ACP to .40.

That being said, I would take the .40 if I had to. I have no problem using any SIG handgun!!
I too would recommend the P220. Especially for home defense. Not only is the .45 a great personal defense round, but it is less likely to overpenetrate and enter rooms where loved ones might be.

Oh, and I wouldn't rest your decision on the extra 2 rounds.

For defense the .40 is about as well armed as I can be with a handgun. I don't believe the .45 can stop a guy with one shot just by "winging" him babble. Why do people still practice double taps with .45s if it isn't necessary? Only a shotgun would make me feel better armed to any handgun.

2 more extra rounds? Yeah, I'll take it in case I don't perform well under intense stress. I'm not a bad shot but personally I've never had to shoot at anything while fearing for my life.

Still, I planning to get a P220 in the future. I think its my favorite Sig and maybe my favorite handgun.
I prefer the .45 Auto.

I feel a lot more confident with that big slug. I don't want to rely on velocity and fancy bullet construction to get the job done. The .45 is already one hell of a bullet without expanding, and if it does- thats even better!

No handgun or rifle can stop anyone by just "winging" him. It doesn't matter if you have a .22lr or a 460 Weatherby, he's not gonna stop if you don't get a center mass shot. But I will say using the largest caliber you can possibly handle will increase your chances of immediately stopping the individual.

Good Shooting
i'd go with the .45. i'm not that big a fan of Sigs because i don't paticularly like DA pistols. i have nothing against them though and i feel they are very reliable, accurate, well made pistols. the 220 also feels better in my hands than the 226.

i don't like the .40 as much as the .45 or 9mm because i don't feel it's balistics are any better and it recoils more. i can place several 9mm rounds on a target quickly and accurately which has more stopping power than a single round of .40.

in .45 for home defense i'd go with either a Glock 21 or any well made, reliable 1911 such as a Kimber. in .40 i'd take a Glock 22 and in 9mm i'd go with a Glock 19 (which is my current home defense pistol).
I prefer the P220 .45ACP over the P226 .40 cal. Why? Bigger holes and I'm more comfortable shooting .45's. But I wouldn't have a problem with using a .40 cal either. Magazine size isn't a concern with me. If I have to empty a whole clip into a BG and he is still comming, I just hope my shoe laces are tied tight.
I just went through the process of choosing between a P220 and a P226. I took my time and did my research. I posted here and on the Sig Forum. I rented both and shot them at the range. I talked to people that have owned them.

In the end I chose the P226.

In .357 Sig.

The only way to fly... It's bite is as big as it's bark. And boy oh boy does it bark.

No regrets to date.