Poll - NFRA


Staff Emeritus
The NFRA (National Federation of Republican Assemblies) has a poll for Republican candidates.

Alan Keyes is WAY out front at the moment.

Please take a second to show the Republicans we don't want the gun control offered by Bush, McCain, etc.

...Please take the time to go and
register your support for Ambassador Alan Keyes. The results as of 9pm
Eastern, Jan. 3, 2000 are posted below.
(The results at 1/4/2000; 0330 hrs are in parens.)

Who would you vote for in the Y2K ?

Results: 9pm Eastern, January 3, 2000
Total : 576
4.7% Gary Bauer (2.0%)
16.0% G.W. Bush (6.2%)
57.8% Steve Forbes (19.4%)
0.7% Orrin Hatch (0.4%)
17.5% Alan Keyes (69.7%)
3.3% John McCain (2.2%)

Who would you vote for in the Y2K ?

thanks for your support!! http://www.nf-ra.org/poll.htm

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Mr. Keyes is up to 70% +\- as of my vote just now.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Dr. Keyes was interviewed in the American Legion Magazine I believe. I knew nothing about him until then but what I did read was refreshing. Too bad a black man has a snowball`s chance in hell of getting elected to the Oval Office. If he`s ever considered a threat, you can rest assured someone like Anita Hill will suddenly get a flashback of Coke cans and pubic hair.
Dr. Keyes has 80.1% as of my vote just now.
Next runner up is Forbes with 11%

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
81.8%. Go Alan!

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.

Is a sorry state all 'round. Talked to quite a few in the past coupla weeks - good conservatives, etc. - and just about nobody's even heard of Mr. Keyes.

If Alan was a butt-sucking Demobrat, you'd bet the media would be all over him & the TV coverage extensive.

So sad.
Sorry, But I can't say I'll be voting for any of the above. Given the paltry resistance the republicans have shown to statist initiatives, I feel betrayed. They own the Congress right now for god's sake, and they still haven't made a dent in Big Brother. All they've done is to move him into my private life as opposed to my business.
I say we need to build another party, and I like the Libertarians. I just can't stomach voting for the lesser of two evils when there is actually someone out there with whom I agree. I may be "throwing my vote away", but it's better than collaborating with a party that refuses to do what's right. Who knows, if enough people get fed up, they might even be able to gain some more ground on the republocrats.

The way I see it, the choice we face now is one between watered down communists and watered down fascists. Both of which have disturbing ambitions for increasing federal power. I don't want either one.

We talk about the Constitution all the time here, but there is only one party I am aware of that actually believes in it and the freedoms it guarantees.

Check them out on the web.
T-Rex, I agree with you 100%. We don't have two major parties in this country, we have one, the Democrats and the Pale Democrats (Republicans). They both want to control either your money, your life, or both. Neither party has any real interest in really
changing the "system."

I don't know if the Libertarian party is the answer to all of our problems, but I know the current situation we are in is intolerable for anyone who understands freedom and who can put two plus two together and see what's in store for the future.

I'm not so sure most Americans really understand or want the freedom the Libertarian party stands for; they might have to get off of their asses and take care of themselves and their own. Of course, they'd be able to keep most of the money THEY make, but many people don't think about tomorrow, they only live for the moment. I guess that's how we got into our current morass.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
T-Rex, FWIW, I'm a card-carrying Loonitarian. :) I don't care for Keyes in most respects, but he's 100% pro-gun. Now Bumper Hornberger, were he to change his mind and seek the LP's nomination, there's a man I can support.

Again FWIW, no Libertarian to ever hold office (and there've been a few hundred of them, you nay-sayers!) has EVER voted against the Constitution in any way. Yes, it's documented.

TAZ, I wondered the same thing about the Nathan Hale after Keyes' name.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872