Politicians kill more children than lunatic mass murderers


New member
Here is an interesting statisitical comparison:

In 1993 the Democratic Congress and Democratic President passed a law
requiring automobile manufacturers to install airbags in their cars.
Since 1993, 99 children have been killed and confirmed killed by air bags.
21 more children's deaths are under investigation with air bags as the
probable cause of death. That determination will become available in the
near future.

In 6 years 99 plus 21 children die from air bags.

Since 1983, 82 children have died in American schools from gun violence.

In 16 years 82 children die from wackos.

Our politicians have killed more than 3 times as many children with their
laws than the wackos have killed with guns.

Information source: Ed Wallace KLIF radio (570 AM) Saturday 9am to 1:00pm

"Don't confuse me with the facts, I already have my mind made up!" - gungrabber X