Politically correct gun owners

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i'm probably preaching to the choir here but full auto shooters have to support the other target shooters and hunters too.

I wrote this post for the AK-47.net boards but I guess it's preaching to the choir over there. I thought I would post this over here too for more people to see. Now myself, I'm a military style service rifle shooter among other types of shooting and I do see a lot of factions in the shooting community that just shouldn't be there. We have to stand together as one united front against the gun grabbers or else they will take us down one by one if we don't support each other as one solid unified front. Anyways, here's my thoughts on what liberal gun grabbers think of YOUR guns!

So who's been here before? You are at the range with your military style service rifle or maybe looking at one in the store and some politically correct type gun owner will look at you like you are Janet Reno doing a table dance wearing nothing but a thong shaking and everything so all the wrong things are jiggling. Yeah, been there done that, right? Well the next time one of them starts to slam you for your choice of weapons, you can using a twisted liberal mindset, hit them up with these rebuttals.
Deer hunting rifles: Actually these are high powered sniper rifles designed to shoot people from long ranges. If they deny that, ask them if it was an AK-47 or a bolt action rifle with a scope that Lee Harvey Oswald used to whack Kennedy. Now why should you be allowed to own a sniper rifle like that? Wouldn't it be a good idea to ban those things too?

Hunting shotguns: Oh yeah, the old trench brooms of WWI fame. Yeah, you "claim" that they are for hunting but all it takes is a hacksaw and you now have a weapon that is banned by the geneva convention as a battlefield weapon because of the inhumane wounds it causes. Now in the days of smart bombs, napalm, fuel/air explosives and even nuclear weapons allowed on the battlefield, how horrible of a weapon is it that you are "hunting ducks" with that it would not be allowed to fight a war with? And you think you should be entrusted to such a devistating weapon? Oh, horror of horrors, ban those evil shotguns too!

Self defense pistols and revolvers: Now this one is the easy one. No handgun is made that small for hunting. They are made only for shooting these poor misunderstood members of society that have been forced by circumstances beyond their control to turn to a life of crime. Now you should not go out there with the intent of murdering these poor misguided angels that even though they have been in prison more times than Klinton should have been, and we should ban the possession of guns like that to make sure some misguided soul is not murdered by some vigilante when the police are equiped and trained to handle situations like this.

Target pistols and rifles: Yup, these weapons with a hair trigger, right? Triggers that are so sensitive that many of them are measured in ounces. These weapons are an accident waiting to happen so in the interest of the safety of the children, we must ban these weapons as well.

Single shot pistols: You all think of those Thompsen Contender pistols as pistols designed for hunting but actually they are "sniper pistols." Yes, they are made to be small enough to be concealed under a coat yet accurate enough to pick off children at a day care center from a long distance. This sir, is not a hunting weapon, but an assassins tool! Are you an assassin, sir? ban these as well.

Black powder guns: Oh yes, these are the ones that you would never suspect being used in a crime. The powder on the other hand is a solid explosive that can be used to build bombs to be planted in schools. While it would be a wise move to ban the possession of black powder, it would be an even wiser move to ban the ownership of these guns as well since without the powder they can not be used and if the temptation is not there to shoot a gun that is no longer there, terrorists will not be as likely to home-brew black powder.

So you see, there is not a catagorey of weapon out there that can not be demonized using a twisted little mind. The next time some PC type gives you a hard time remind them that we are all tied together on this issue. If I can come up with some whacked out ideas of what their guns are, what would some crazed dope-smoking liberal gun grabber be able to come up with!
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