Those who try to use TFL as a springboard to further their struggles
for or against homosexuality, abortion, or religion must do so
The mere mention of tolerance for such a subject is not advocating such a
lifestyle. If they try to discuss “positive aspects” of those subjects they will
be stopped as quickly as those who try to discuss “negative” aspects of those
A comment such as, “I don’t care what his views on abortion are” does not
warrant a response on TFL. If you must convince the speaker that he is an
immoral murderer doomed and damned, do so somewhere else. We are
trying to unite a RKBA movement here not change each other’s religion.
With the exception of the Staff, nobody “must” show their disapproval or
disagreement on ANY subject on TFL. As a matter of fact, with the exception
of the Staff, nobody “must” even read anything on TFL. If, for personal
reasons, you believe you “must” declare the TFL member to be a (insert
insult) for not sharing your views, do so by e-mail. If his/her e-mail is not
listed, ask them to e-mail you for enlightenment and correction. If they
refuse to e-mail you, suffer as we must from time to time - but do it OFF TFL.
You agreed to this when you joined. Ref Forum Policy #3:
“If you have a problem with a Member's religion, creed, national origin, sex,
politics, associations or personal hygiene, take it to email.”
Who makes the decisions? The members of the Staff. You agreed to this
when you joined. Ref Forum Policy #4:
“As we can never convey a philosophy through a few rules, we reserve the
right, in our sole discretion, to edit or delete posts and/or to
revoke Membership. No Second Chances; No Argument; No Trial; No Way. At
best you will receive one warning.”
I fully realize TFL is not for everyone. If your priorities are elsewhere, then
elsewhere is where you should be. Frankly, I hope our views on subjects
UNrelated to RKBA do not divide us. We must unite to regain our freedom so
we may once again have some powerful input to our government and bring
about the changes we desire.
If the Second Amendment falls, the Bill of Rights will collapse and
Constitutional Law will be on the same level as Bill Clinton arguing the
definition of “is”.
TFL is dedicated to the preservation of responsible gun ownership. I hope
and pray members are smart enough and tolerant enough to save our
Republic. Otherwise, quite frankly, we will have no influence on ANY subject
- and that includes homosexuality, abortion, and religion.
Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!