political correctness on the firing line

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New member
Blues Man seems a little PC (shutting down the 'feel safer?' thread).

Or maybe I just didn't understand the rules on this website.

I guess it's OK to express strong opinions as long as they are right-wing and consistent with whatever it is Blues Man believes.
Here is the reason cited for closing the thread:

"I'm closing it for thread veer. If you'd like to try again and not hijack your own thread, feel free."

That doesn't seem so complicated to me.

I have had threads closed about politically timely topics without a single post. I PMed and still don't understand the reasoning.

I don't think there is any sort of political correctness going on as much as the mods react somewhat instictively to what they feel is "off topic". They are just as likely to make mistakes as anyone else.

In your case, Blues Man gave you the opportunity to post the same topic again. You are just required to have a more specific thesis and stick closer to it. (Though I think you did, and just didn't post it right off.)
I hope you are wrong Marks655 because I am new on this site and The site is sort of useless with biased MODs.
I look forward to having some "lively discussion" will probaly push the rules but will certainly try to stay within them.
It's bad form to open a thread just to discuss a closed one. Think the mod did something wrong? The mods and administrators all answer e-mail.
I hope you are wrong Marks655 because I am new on this site and The site is sort of useless with biased MODs.

I've only been here a short time but from what I've seen the mods are quite fair. This is coming from a guy that tends to hold very liberal views compared to the rest of the folks here. The mods engage in debate as much as the next guys but I've never seen them "abuse their power" or anything like that. The only times I've been kept from discussing a particular subject is when it's obvious that it will become a very heated religious debate (which is why I haven't made a thread specifically on gay marriage) and while I don't agree with it I can understand the sentiments.

edit: to clarify, I wasn't actually kept from making a thread on subject, merely asked kindly and politely to refrain from stirring the pot to such a degree.

The way it looked to me is you took the general subject of Homeland Security and made an emphatic anti-Bush statement out of it.

On this site, that could be seen as predictably causing a tit-for-tat sort of political bashing session that would veer off course very easily. That's why I think the thread was closed.

Nobody gets anywhere by just exchanging things like "Bush lied us into war" and "AlGore says he invented the internet".

So far, I've found it more workable to comment on a politician's or party's policies rather than directly commenting on the politician or party itself. That way I stick mainly to the topic at hand and get my point across at the same time.
marks655 - We tend to keep internal affairs internal around here. I replied to your PM and trust you will understand. If not, feel free to send me another message. As Handy pointed out, you are cordially invited to post another thread that is focussed and topical.

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