Political Correct Graffiti


New member
News reports are coming in that US personal ARE getting into trouble for (drum roll)...rattt att tatt tattt... PUTTING MESSAGES ON MISSLES and BOMBS that were used in Operation Desert Fox.
Sheesh !
What the hell is the world coming to ?
Hasn't ANYONE (in politics) got ANY idea of HISTORY ?
Some of the best Morale is obtained by the messages "scribed" on bombs etc.
Makes the armourers feel part of what's going on, gives the pilots/radar operators a good laugh - in an intense "situation".
How far is political correctness going to go?
It's OK to bomb someone but for Godness sake you CAN'T insult them !
Being an Aussie with a knowledge of WWI & WW2 etc I just can not believe this.
A lot of ex service personal world wide must be either shaking their heads in amazement at this latest onslaught of P.C.
I sit here, entirely amazed at what the elected officials will bicker about. Some Aussie sailors were disiplined in the Gulf War for a video depicting them with towels around their heads and them jabbering in b-s Arabic.
Hell Aussie Servicemen are generally known world wide for " taking the p*ss out of the enemy".
I'll step down from my soap box now and let the next person step up and have a go !... :) :( ;) :)

[This message has been edited by HS (edited 12-24-98).]
What's next?
Don't the politicians have anything better to do? leave the armed forces personel alone and let em do the the job!
Merry Christmas and have a Happy new year.
There are dumbasses who somehow feel that while we can kill them we must not hurt their feelings.

Need I say more??

Better days to be,

I can't say i'm too surprised, it's stupid, but that's the way the world seems to be going, stupid, and more stupid. luckily, we have this place of sane refuge, that we can visit and at least catch our breath.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone

fiat justitia
From time immemorial servicemen have been inscribing "personal notes" on ordnance to be delivered to the enemy; and long after our passing servicemen will still be inscribing "personal notes" on ordnance. I remember a photo displayed in Ruger's NH factory which depicted a bomb inscribed, "From Sturm, Ruger & Company." It almost goes without saying that some things are better left unchanged.
This is old hat...
Back when I was in the service we got in trouble for similar transgressions.
This is a softer, gentler military... We dont want to offend those we kill. Wouldnt be right. ;)

Kenetic Defense Institute