Political Asylum, American Revolution


New member
Ok, you guys are corrupting me. I never heard these voices before I came here. (humor)

Seriously- Don't think that this has anything to do with race, religion, or national origin... it doesn't. It has to do with our "government". Period.

It seems that anyone who can sneak, slither, crawl, tunnel, swim or float across our borders is instantaneously granted "political asylum". It is automatically assumed that their desperation to enter OUR country is the result of "political oppression". They are routinely granted all of the benefits that WE have worked for, including: welfare, medicare, education, clothing, shelter...yada yada. While our parents and grandparents must struggle to exist on the fruits of their own hard labor, which should have been more than enough for a comfortable retirement. Our government is robbing them (and us) of our Social Security benefits, and refuses to allow those citizens who paid for all of our social services to benefit from them. The rights that our country was founded on are being ripped from beneath our feet. While billion$ are poured out on foreign matters which we have no business sticking our noses into, our own country is falling apart, due to a government that refuses to prosecute repeat violent felons.

Doesn't it sound just a little like WE are the ones that are under "political oppression"? It damn sure does to me. Only we have no place to "escape" to. What if we all applied to our own government for "political asylum"? Hmmmm...Just a thought.

While our continued efforts are valiant, I honestly don't believe that any of it will amount to a hill of beans. Our country is quickly going to hell-in-a-handbag, and without massive unification, none of us have a snowball's-chance-in-hell of resisting it, with anything more than little specks of blood splattered across this once-great land.

Let's face it, one of three things will soon happen.
1) You will roll over, hide a few guns, and "play dead".
2)You will valiantly die at your own doorstep, leaving your family to pay for your "crime".
3)Or we will see a second American Revolution.

It's difficult to comprehend the scope of undertaking that would be required to facilitate mobilization and maintenance of a "well armed militia". Even with the few Howitzers and grenade launchers that some of the "crazies" could produce, we would be absolutely no match for the armed forces that WE have built. Besides, they wouldn't even have to fire a shot, they'd just starve us out.

The "end" is undeniably unstoppable. The only reason that they don't just do it all at once is that they'd like to implement it in a "semi-peaceful" manner. It WILL come, one way or another. We're all fooling ourselves, but we MUST put up a fight.

Hope I didn't pop anyone's bubble.


The Bible is my lawbook. I turn the other cheek when applicable, and spend the rest of my days resisting evil at every front, until I have breathed my last breath.

[This message has been edited by fastforty (edited January 15, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by fastforty (edited January 16, 2000).]
Thanx, Jim. An interesting read. I've posted it here http://www.homestead.com/musicman9/files/Sheepherders.doc
just in case anyone else needs their "bubble" reinflated. Worked for me.
BTW, I think I'll keep my signature :)

The Bible is my lawbook. I turn the other cheek when applicable, and spend the rest of my days resisting evil at every front, until I have breathed my last breath.
I think you underestimate the power of the infantry soldier. To control ground you must have people on the ground in the area, and I know we still have not learned that, but that is the truth. See some info from Col Hackworth.
As to your immigration views I concure completely. Many will probably not touch this post, but my opinion is we should have moved the Berlin Wall over here and not to keep people in but illegals out. Throughout history countries that fall below approx 90% one core ethnic group fall into civil war and ethnic/religious cleansing. Look at Europe and see how dominate the major ethnic groups are, most are very high 90+ and remain stable. The ones down from there are in civil, guerrilla, or terrorist wars in likiness to the drop in percentage. Im not saying anything against any group but I believe that society generaly self segregates themselves, and nothing good comes from it when the numbers are closer and closer to even. Just as the cold war proved the USSR AND USA were fairly close overall and there was allways high tension or near open warfare between them. I know this is a little off topic but would like alternate view points if someone has any, and not Switzerland or Belgium as they are governmentaly segregated in political power and geographically.
Counterpoint: Switzerland has never been dominated by any one ethnic group yet they are and have been at peace. OTOH, they do have a common heritage in spite of using several official languages.
Switzerland is about two-thirds German speaking. This majority is however split between Protestant and Catholic. Our common heritage is that of neutrality, independence, and freedom. In history classes we learn mostly of common heritage, but there have been also many civil wars, the last big one being 1848 between Protestant and Catholic. We do not fight one another now because we know we are only a small boat on a big sea and must work together.

A joke I keep always near me is a picture of a father speaking to his son,
"Etre Suisse est une lourde responsabilite, que le reste du monde n'est pas pret a assumer."
KarinJ..I believe that's:

"To be Swiss is a heavy responsibility, which the rest of the world is not ready to assume."

Merci, Chris..

I think you underestimate the power of the guerrilla, as we did in Vietnam, Somalia and as the Russians did in Afghanistan and are doing in Chechnya. To starve us out, they would have to starve their own families along with us. Starvingout a population leads to a number of problems and cans of worms no army, whose families live among the targeted population, wants to open. Once you begin with targeting "innocent" civilians, either through starvation, WMD, assassination squads..., you open your self up to similar reprisals. The last thing you want your units thinking about is weather mom and dad are being skinned alive right now. This tends to work well against units that are "pressed" into combat without having any strong convictions about the fight, while it has limited use against a population who believes there is no choice, but to fight. The chances of such tactics backfiring are pretty good, especially against the side who initiates it. This is why, for the most part, we stay away from such drastic and unpopular measures. Has nothing to do with being humane. The last thing you want to do in fight is give your opponent some more motivation to fight harder and dirtier.

If stupidity hurt, liberals would be walking around in agony.
I hope that everyone here considers that there are some TRUE refugees on this planet that we should be letting in, particularly those from Vietnam that we screwed over when we pulled out and left them to the commies. I'm not sure if Cubans fit into that category, but they would be good candidates.

On a related note, while we vilify these people who come here illegally, you have to realize many risk life and limb to get here and work at jobs we don't want. I'm not saying that these people are angels, or that many don't take advantage of the system, but YOUR ancestor who first plopped down in America would probably have much more sympathy for the recent illegals than you might want to admit.

On another note, WE create the magnets that bring these people here. Blame ourselves first and the poor desperate people who have no other hope in the world but to scramble across the border second. If we really want to combat this problem, we need to cut off ALL benefits and PERMANENTLY shut down employers that hire illegals. "Hire an Illegal, Go to Jail" could be a good slogan.
Personally, I am under impression that Swiss immigration policy encourages and required people to support themselves....US policy is a combination of looking for rare skills and, at the same time, trying to prevent others from working at all!
To borry the phrase, "I don't want to bust your bubble", what makes anyone think that an organized military presence, or soldiers would be American. Far too many of our soldiers are doing that chore in another country, under the auspices of the UN. A reciprocal to that, have OTHER UN troops here, policing the peace.

Grim fact, boys & girls, but that's the way this will unfold. Consider another factor in this. The US Militaries numbers are down from what they should be. I choose to think this is not an accident, rather an action to allow UN troops in our borders to satisfy the numbers game. Having them here, as representative of UN, would then satisfy the "requirement" of having X number of bodies on hand.

Now, does anyone here think for a minute, a foriegn national would hesitate for a second to fire on you, or I? Hmmm, sounds like that problem has been neatly taken out of the equation.

Back to the thread, I have feelings on the matter of opening our borders, and placing the cost on our backs. Our offspring are going to have to deal DIRECTLY with the backlash of what our :roll:leaders:roll: are doing with this nation.

I agree with the statement that our forefathers paid the price for our freedom, many with their lives. What price are we going to have to pay to win it back. Or should I say, "What price are we willing to pay, to win it back"?

Goto any Memorial Park, in anytown USA, and you'll see the statues, and bronzed plaques that enumerate the heroes whose knew what was at stake. Whose names will be there after the next "conflict"?

Best Regards,

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Being born in Canada, I agree completely with the idea of overhauling the immigration system. When I was in Canada and I had a choice between Canadian history and American, I chose American; when I had the choice between learning the political science of America vs. Canada, again I chose America. Now I am here in the US where I have planned to live since a child, and I know far more about the history and heritage of this country than 90% of the US citizens I know. What's worse, is that, when you come to this country, there is no requirement to prove that you know and understand the constitution or heritage of the USA. The majority of immigrants coming to this country today would piss on the constitution if you gave them $100. Most are interested in raping this country of it's wealth and could care less about the principles which have allowed the country to prosper in a climate of freedom. I saw what multiculturalist policy did to destroy Canada....you have Chinese immigrants set up shop in chinese communities; they refuse to speak english, refuse to patronize non-chinese business, refuse to hire caucasians, and, in many cases, refuse to give adequate service to non-chinese customers. There are little communities of chinese, punjabi's, iranians etc....but damn those white folks if they choose to establish white communities! I lived through it in Canada and saw it destroy what was once a good country. I fear that I may live through it once more here in the USA, and where can I escape to when it happens here? This is not a prejudice-based view, this is a reality based view. If you fail to indoctrinatre your citizens with a set of basic and fundamental principles, the nation will crumble...there is no need to look back into history..just ask the average Canadian who has seen his culture sabotaged by the armies of immigrants from non-western nations. The feeling of those who's families have lived in northa America for generations, working endlessly to create wealth and security for themselves and their families, and now facing an endless onslaught of multicultural propaganda, can be summed up in one word: Alienation. We are now the aliens in our own land.
Being an immigrant, I am not at all excited about closing our borders. There are a large number of immigrants entering this country and then becoming model citizens. I am however all for revamping the system. I think that we are way to easy and accepting of immigrants who dont care of the country, dont want to learn the language and are just here for a free ride.

As for UN troops here. That has been one of my concerns for a long time. Numbers seem to be dropping way too much while commitments are not. We already have a hsit pile of foreign troops on US soil training. I have absolutely no doubts that if they were placed on US soil for reasons other than training we would be in deep doo-doo. Although the concept of not hesitating to shoot is also a double edged sword. In our case neither side would hesitate in shooting the other; NOT a very good prospect.

If stupidity hurt, liberals would be walking around in agony.
If it was widespread & popular the PTB would be in deep doodoo. No other populace (other than the swiss &isralies) has anywhere near the resources that we have in the US. Unfortunately the pop of the US has become so cattle-like, that I have no doubt that such events won't be taking place. When it gets too bad I'm jumping ship. If my fellow country men (& women) grow some spine, (once they see how bad things get) I'll return & I won't take one step back. But a country of cattle isn't worth fighting for & isn't defendable. During WW2 1/5 of the Swiss population were mobilized for civil defense & they were instructed that any declariation of surrender to the Natzis was to be disregarded!

[This message has been edited by Tony III (edited January 18, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Tony III (edited January 20, 2000).]