Polishing Feeds Ramps


New member
First off, let me say, "Yes, I have too much time on my hands". I'd like to polish the feed ramps on some of my pistols. I've never had any feeding problems with them, but would like to do it just to gain more experience.

Can someone suggest what materials I should use? Or should I just stick with, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"?

I've had good luck using a Dremel with the small felt pads. The pads come in different sizes and shapes to match the area you want to polish. Dremel also sells small containers of a red buffing compond that makes short work of the job.

As an example, I did an Officer's Model frame about 2 weeks ago and it only took about 5 minutes to get a mirror finish.

If your pistols are already feeding okay, you probably won't accomplish much, but the polished area will clean up easier. Plus you'll get a chance to "tinker", always a plus for me.

Good Luck...


It's more important that a ramp be smooth than shiny. Secondly, go slow as you don't want to remove too much metal. Last, be mindful of case support as you want to minimize any loss of it.

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