Polishing feed ramps etc.


New member
I have a few milsurps I want to do some polishing on to see if they may feed better. My Yugo Tok. is pretty fussy and I want to do some work on my CZ 82 also. Question is, what kind of polishing compound would work best? I'm gonna be using a Dremel with a buffing wheel. I bought some Mother's brand thinking that would be sufficient...think it'd work?
I usually start with a round India stone and establish uniformity of the ramp and remove tool marks by hand. This is just because it's easier to make a straight ramp without ripples in it that way. Once the stoning has got the shape I want, then the Dremel tool can be used with finer abrasives or with your buffing compound and a felt bob. Be sure that the bottom edge of the barrel doesn't overhang the feed ramp in counterbattery when you are done.
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Every feed ramp I've ever polished was done with crocus cloth on a dowel. I used a Dremel once to bob the hammer on a new BHP, but that's it. I would give the Dremel kit back to my father, but he doesn't want it either. Oh well.
