Polish VIS Model 35


New member
I’m trying to find some information on a Polish VIS Model 35, often called a Radom.

Here are some pictures.

VIS Model 35

I gather most of the records were destroyed at the end of the war. It appears to be fairly early because the finish isn’t bad, the take-down lever is still present and the grip bushings are still being used.

The serial number is T00XX. It is repeated on several interior parts. It has Nazi proof marks in several places, including E77. There is no P(35) mark. A cursive capital B is also found in several places. There’s an S on the trigger, an X and what could be a cross on the trigger guard. The butt appears to have an A, an S and what could be an H.

The magazine may be original. There’s a small oval with illegible lettering on the bottom. I’m looking forward to shooting it. Apparently Triple-K makes magazines, but the quality is spotty.

I'm guessing 1942. Anyone got access to serial number records?
Your first letter series Mod35 was made in 1942.

I have a question, you put in x's for the last two digits of the serial number in your post. Yet in the pictures of your gun the serial number is clearly visible, why did you even bother not posting the full serial number?

The Germans had a problem with the Polish workers at the Radom plant pilfering parts in order to make guns for the resistance. For a while the workers got around the serial number issue by making parts with duplicate serial numbers.

After a couple of resistance fighters were captured with guns that had serial numbers that were listed in Wehrmacht inventory records, the Radom plant no longer made complete guns. Instead they made parts kits which were then shipped to Styer where the barrels were manufactured and the kits assembled into complete guns.

I have a couple of Radom VIS pistols, both are 1942 vintage three lever guns.

N block:

S block with original German issue holster:

If you are interested in learning more about your pistol, I recommend purchasing Willian York's book, "VIS Radom, A study and Photographic album"
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Thanks for the info. I have considered a couple of books on the VIS. York’s is now from about $80 used to $320 new. Berger’s ‘The Radom Vis Pistol’ is about $25.

Yours look to be in a bit better shape than mine. Hope to get it out to the range tomorrow morning and see how it shoots.

Have you tried the Triple-K magazines?

As for the serial number, I don’t care if someone reading the post knows what it is, but someone can use a program to automatically pull that info from text while I believe a person would have to look at the image to find it. Not a big deal in either case.
Took the Vis to the range this morning. Tested the hammer-drop safety and found it didn’t dimple the primer.
Shot a soft load, 124 gr plated over 4.1 gr of HP-38. Once I got used to the trigger it grouped pretty well, shooting a bit high at 30’. Also put 5 rounds rapid on a torso sized steel target at 25 yards. The cases were sooty and it didn’t always lock back on the last round in the magazine so I’ll load a bit warmer next time. The same load in my Argentine Hi-Power stovepiped at times, so both guns will probably benefit from a bit more powder.
Not wild about the barleycorn sights, but - it will shoot.

Had a newer model in evidence at a PD I worked at once; we were rechecking guns to make sure they hadn't been reported stolen. This didn't have the second lever, and was a but rusty, but I don't doubt it would have fired.

I half begged the admin and chief to take it from found property, at a fair price, and add it to my collection, but they said it had to be destroyed as unclaimed property (it was more then 10 years old at that point). Bummer.