Polish Gun Usage


New member
(Don't know if this is supposed to do here, but I'm doing my best)

What are the views of the Polish government on guns? Do they try to restrict them? Do they encourage them? I ask this because one day I hope to move to Poland, where my great-grandparents came from (apparently from the Goraj Commune).
I have been in Poland and have a friend there. Didn't notice lots of gun stores. Nor when I told her I had a permit was it greeted by anything but surprise as if the whole subject was unknown there.

Likely, outlawed in any form. If I hear differently, I will post.

Check with NRA - they may have foreign info.
I worked in Poland during and after communist rule. I do know they have hunting for boar, deer, etc. with long guns. I am sure limited to bolt or single shot actions. I think double barrel shotguns are OK also. Not sure about handguns, but I would guess not allowed. Never saw a gun store...but lots of vodka stores if needed.:D
An old Polish joke (from Poland) asks why the Polish pour oil on their flower gardens. The answer is "To keep the guns from rusting".
DRD, since you are from Chicago I will add. In Poland they say the largest Polish city in the world is Chicago....no joke...just fact.

Anyway Europe is sure different. It is possible to see someone out in a field hunting with a shotgun or bolt action rifle, but if someone shows a handgun then all hell breaks loose.