I am researching AK47's. I have been looking into getting one for about the last month. I found a place online that has several polish models to choose from (alanticfirearms). The reason I want to go with a polish model is because they are fairly priced ($500-750) and from my research they seem to be of better quality.
I am looking for an under folder. With a stamped receiver. I would like for it to be at least 1mm, but I would like the 1.6mm receiver.
I would like to spend as little as possible, but I don't mind spending the 750. I am not really worried about the quality of the wood, because I am going to replace it with a quad rail for mounting accessories.
I see the polish brands (at least polish parts kits) are AKMS, IAC, RED Jacket, and Koraynovich arms.
I also see Vector makes a nice AK, but its not polish. The four polish AK's listed above have chrome barrels, but the Vector doesnt.
I would like to know about these brands, because I want to get a good quality gun that does not have a canted front sight, or gas block. From research, I think the AKMS, and IAC are made by century arms, which is only a step above WASR-10. So I am thinking about the RED jacket ($700), Vector($760), or Koraynovich ($770).
Are any of these brands better than the other one? Will I have better luck with one brand on NOT getting an AK with a canted sight (seems to be a fairly common issue). OR are the three brands the same, and could the extra price just be a better quality wood? I was looking into the red jacket AK, but it looks about the same as the IAC.
Thanks for any info on helping me to choose the right AK that will fit my needs.
I am looking for an under folder. With a stamped receiver. I would like for it to be at least 1mm, but I would like the 1.6mm receiver.
I would like to spend as little as possible, but I don't mind spending the 750. I am not really worried about the quality of the wood, because I am going to replace it with a quad rail for mounting accessories.
I see the polish brands (at least polish parts kits) are AKMS, IAC, RED Jacket, and Koraynovich arms.
I also see Vector makes a nice AK, but its not polish. The four polish AK's listed above have chrome barrels, but the Vector doesnt.
I would like to know about these brands, because I want to get a good quality gun that does not have a canted front sight, or gas block. From research, I think the AKMS, and IAC are made by century arms, which is only a step above WASR-10. So I am thinking about the RED jacket ($700), Vector($760), or Koraynovich ($770).
Are any of these brands better than the other one? Will I have better luck with one brand on NOT getting an AK with a canted sight (seems to be a fairly common issue). OR are the three brands the same, and could the extra price just be a better quality wood? I was looking into the red jacket AK, but it looks about the same as the IAC.
Thanks for any info on helping me to choose the right AK that will fit my needs.
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