Police: Woman hit teens after golf ball struck car


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Police: Woman hit teens after golf ball struck car

ST. AUGUSTINE, Florida (AP) -- A woman ran over two teenage brothers after they accidentally hit her sport utility vehicle with a golf ball they were bouncing in a parking lot, officials said. One of the boys suffered life-threatening injuries.

The 14- and 16-year-old boys were bouncing the golf ball in a shopping center parking lot Sunday afternoon when it went astray and struck the SUV driven by 47-year-old Kathy Feaganes Allen, sheriff's Deputy Greg Suchy said.

No damage was done, and the boys apologized and began to walk away, Suchy said. Allen started to drive away, but suddenly made a U-turn, ran over a median and struck the teens before knocking over a light pole, Suchy said.

"I tried to run. I blacked out. I woke up bleeding," Justin Marshman, 16, told The Florida Times-Union.

She then allegedly went after a third brother, but did not hit him. A witness said that after the SUV came to rest, Allen got out of the car and smoked a cigarette with the boys lying on the ground in pain.

"She charged them. This was the most deliberate act," witness Russell McPhee said. "After she ran them down, she got out of the car and lit a cigarette like a movie star."

Isiah Grayer, 14, was in critical condition Monday. Justin Marshman, his stepbrother, was treated for non-life threatening injuries.

Brent Woolbright of the St. Johns County Public Defender's Office said he was assigned Allen's case Monday and was trying to get all the facts.

"I talked to her, and her story is a little different that what was reported," he said.

Allen told the court she has mental problems. A judge ordered her held without bail Monday on three counts of attempted murder.

Question for the ladies and gentlemen of TFL: You analysis of the tactics of the situation? The effectivity of a car as weapon? What if you are being purposedly rammed?
Damn straight, a car is a weapon.

And it sounds like she is going to pleade insanity. If this is the case, she needs to stay there for life.
this brings up a few thoughts, i remember watching something on television a few years ago about car accidents mainly, but also involving hitting pedestrians. as we all know pedestrians always have the right of way, but something a researcher said on this program was, "today if you want to kill somebody use a car not a gun" apparently its quite easy to get away with... i lost a brother in law this past summer coz some little bitch on a cell phone pulled out in front of him while he was on his motorcycle... nothing happened to her... this woman needs to pray everyday of her life that I never run into her.

this woman that ran over these kids will likely claim the mental problems she stated and get away with it. sad but true... if those were my kids im afraid i would be taking matters into my own hands...
I agree, she needs to get life. Car a weapon? Hey, they didn't add vehicular manslaughter and homicide to the books because it looks pretty. A car is just a slow, 5000 lbs bullet.
Since the genie is out of the bottle. I have always stated to anti-gunners that a person at say a high-school football game with a 4wd yukon can kill more people than somebody with an ak or ar. Lots of power, lots of traction.
Civilians do not need big vehicles like that, nor should they have high-capacity fuel tanks that literally allow them to mow people down for hours without stopping to refuel. Honestly, think of the children!

yes vehicular man slaughter is on the books... but nonetheless its easy to get away with, "my brakes were hot and i couldnt stop" "i didnt see him" "he ran out in front of me and it was too late" or how bout if theres no witnesses and just a dead body laying in the ditch struck by a car? on a paved road its really hard to collect evidence for something like that... where as if u put your bullets out of your gun into someone u midaswell leave your finger prints at the scene...

the above mentioned 'body in the ditch struck by a car' happened where i grew up in michigans upper peninsula, a gentleman fighting with his wife one night, had stated several times on previous drunken occasions "one of these days im gonna kill that b*tch" stupid yes, but one night they had an arguement she left walking home... he left the bar a few hours later and went home... they found his wife dead in the ditch the next morning struck by a car... everyone knew he did it, it just couldnt be proven...
It seems like most cases of convictions for vehicular manslaughter involve alcohol, because it is the easiest form of negligence to prove. It's a much harder case to prove if there weren't any witnesses to say someone was speeding or driving recklessly.

Regardless you should drive slow through neighborhoods where you would more likely be at fault for hitting someone.
The motorcycle accident is tragic, same scenario for some people in the wixom area, in the '90's. It just goes to prove some people can't chew bubblegum and walk. I drove a 154,000# double trailer truck, w/13gears, a Company Radio, a CB and a Cellphone. Never had an accident.
That just goes to show that crazy, unstable people come in all shapes, sizes, and genders. You can't always assume that the 200lb Vin Diesel-looking guy dressed in Harley-Davidson clothing is going to be the one who pulls the trigger.
if this person is insane she should not even have a liscence, and if someone ran over my kids, may God have mercy on their souls, 'cause i wont
Police shoot to kill all the time when being run down by subjects. In fact, though I have no proof, I personally believe that many if not most LEOs would and do in fact intentionally get in front of the direction a car is going, driven by a wanted subject, just in order to be able to shoot to kill without repurcussions.
Igloodude -

Civilians do not need big vehicles like that, nor should they have high-capacity fuel tanks that...

For my 72nd birthday last month, my family sprung an F-150 Lariat on me - a week later I finally read all the goodies on the sticker. I found that the 24 gallon tank had been optioned to 36.7.

Now - am I gonna have to get on my congress-critters about killing a ban on big trucks with big tanks?


Huh? :D :D :D
I don't listen to the news much, and I know they get a story and run about 8 of the same type every month, but do you think it took that lady to run over here cheating husband to give people the idea, or are they just not aware that a pencil is just as good as a dirk if inserted into the Diaphram. I guess getting the poor Man's James Bond, an Anarchist's cook book in the 4th grade enlightened me a little bit.
I would venture to say that a car is a more effective manstopper and killer than any firearm. This woman needs to be taken off the streets.
Personally, the woman needs to get life. (Or let the surviving teens get in an SUV and chase her around a big fenced in parking lot)

For me, I would try like heck to get out of the way of any vehicle, but if I was left with no other option, no room or chance to run, and it was clear they intended to run me down, I would use my firearm and hope for the best.