Police & shotguns


New member
I was watching some show that showed police raiding a house.

One of the officers has a shotgun as they went into the house. He kept the stock of the gun below his arm pit.

I was shouting at my TV sit. It looked rather silly.

Isn't that like one step away from a pistol-only grip?
Maybe his pistol-only SG was in the shop and he was borrowing that one!
It could happen.....
If that got you upset, best to never watch a police qualification either... LOL! :D :D

There was another show that had a video of the FBI and some guy in East Tenn. The agent with the shotgun did everything but curls and presses with his 870. No way he could have shot the durn thing. Severe lack of training shown on TV. IIRC, the sniper shot the gun out of the guys hand. I remembered it as I grew up around there.
But, Erick, Captain Tactical will tell you [authoritative keyboard commando voice] "slings have no place on shotguns.":eek:

CMichael, as a wee brasshopper (when I was short and lanky, instead of long and lanky), I learned this position as the "Taylor underarm position." The idea was to use the weapon a la Circillo's body index shooting at close quarters. Try it at the range. Watch your 180s.

I like the shotgun up in the pocket ready to work, especially when things are tight and hits must be place exactly. Can be used in retention drills as well (I like it for the "drop and thrust"--can put you wieght [or lack thereof:(] on the back end).

I did not think it was still taught. Was the po-po older?
In my experience, officers who are comfortable with the shotgun and do not hesitate to deploy with it when circumstances dictate, are thought of as weird by the average patrol officer.

I remember when I came back from a shotgun course. I was all jazzed with the benefits of shortening the stock and equipping the shotgun with a sling. I was looked at by management as if I had suddenly sprouted two more heads.
The fact that I was fond of shooting shotguns struck the brass here as weird also.I was honest, hardworking,and did my job well, and they regarded all that as a threat. Maybe it was.

One refresher course I attended had us learn an underarm ready position similar to what was posted. It was fast, but in a crowd scene had the muzzle cover an area with too many officers legs in it for comfort.

iirc, we were both taught by the same guy. That may explain why the Admin looks at me the same way.

Bill Jeans?

When we did shotgun quals, I took my personally owned Mossberg 500 with Ghostring sights, shortened stock, and sling attached and let the deputies play with it. A few, not all, liked it and made unauthorized modifications to the shotguns in their take home cars.

The California Highway Patrol teaches this technique as an alternative position, or at least did so when I took a shotgun class from them a couple of years ago.

The advantages are that it isn't as tiring to clear a large building with the shotgun tucked thus, and it was surprisingly (to me) accurate at short ranges. The barrel of the shotgun also isn't as extended quite as far forward as a more convential ready position, and it's extremely difficult to take away a shotgun from someone with the butt tucked under their arm. You can move quickly to a more conventional shoulder position should circumstances dictate.
