"Police rein on weapons tightened"

That's the headline from today's West Australian, 4 June, page 13.

The body of the article says:

State Parliament has passed legislation giving police power to stop and search people suspected of carrying items such as pepper sprays, knives, spray cans and felt-tipped pens.

The Weapons Bill, which began its life in the Upper House last August, bans concealable weapons such as butterfly knives, knuckle dusters, flick knives, blowguns and catapults.

The possession of a secondary category of weapons, including martial arts weapons, spearguns and replica firearms, will be banned unless carried for a legitimate reason. It also will become an offence to carry any other type of weapon, including items such as baseball bats, axes, boning knives and tomahawks, with the intent to injure, disable or threaten anyone.

All emphasis added. Spray cans and felt-tipped pens? Weapons? Graffiti tools maybe, but not weapons! And blowguns are concealable[/b] weapons??

I don't think so, Tim....

Some days, Lord, I need just a little more strength to get through.


Oh, and by-the-by -- that headline .......

I ask as an editor (but not a horseperson ;)), do you tighten a rein, or do you shorten a rein???

[This message has been edited by Bruce in West Oz (edited June 04, 1999).]
So, let me get this straight.....

Shops will still sell spray paint and felt-tip pens, but if you have them you will be arrested? Whats the charge?

Felony conspiracy to commit chromatic alteration?

I think its time for you OZ boys to put the real shrimps on the Bar-Bee

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Interesting point, DC.

I guess, since its a "Weapons" Bill, if you are charged by the police, it would be for something along the lines of "Possession of a prohibited weapon" -- which probably carries a pretty nasty penalty .....

I know Hoges called them "shrimps", but that was for the US market. Here, they're called "prawns", and one of the (colloquial) meanings for a "prawn" is:

a weak, spiritless, insignificant person (Macquarie dictionary)

Makes your remark about politicians even more apt, don't it now... :)


Oddly enough that is almost the same colloquial definition for "shrimp" over here :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
They censor the internet, they probably will read your mail (if not yet, soon), so find a ham radio op. When you want your ad for manpower to be published in "Soldier of Fortune", you can tell me by radio.

Sympathetic Grump
Bruce, have they outlawed #2 pencils yet, or how about a screwdriver, or rat tailed combs.
There are always ways to be armed, even with a stone. Don't give up hope, the stupid don't normanly survive very long.

Unfortunately by its existance "civilization"
allows the safty for stupid people to breed and multiply.


I like the inclusion of catapults as, "concealable." I'd like to see a demonstration of how a catapult might be concealed on one's person.

See if you can get them to stage a demonstration or something.
Amazing! I can see the headlines now: "Man Injured By Own Catapult - A NSW man was seriously injured today when he attempted to pull his concealed catapult from his back pocket. The catapult went off and struck him in the buttocks. His arse was later found in Queensland. Film at 11:00."
So in OZ, they are outlawing PENS? Judas...
What is next? Books? Reading? Discussion of current events out loud?

I think you poor fellows may need to roll up your sleaves and knock some sense into some folks there!


At least they have not banned wet noodles yet. They can be a formable weapon. Ever been beaten by a wet noodle?

Hey I think my comment above makes as much sense as your gov. And to think at one time I actually considered moving there. Oy vey!

Dont yall think its past time to be making you point down there........it seems to me that the loonies are running the asylum, perhaps we could give you all of our socialistic, communistic, anti-constitutionalist's, all that to include the Kennedys, schumer's, boxer's, finestein's, rodham's, an almost all costal politicians and those of you down under who arent like the above come here or those of us here could move there and yall send your versions of the above infamous group here......fubsy.
Kinda like a "Jerk Off Relocation Program"...

Lets start packing and shipping!

Wow! You guys down under are just full of good news. This stuff just gets more and more bizarre.

Have any of you discussed this foolishness with local LEO's? Are most of those folks goons that just blithely enforce this c**p, or do many of them find this incredibly absurd?

Please keep us informed about how much your crime rate is dropping because of these wonderful laws ...

Pssst ... wanna buy some hi-cap magazines for your catapault, mate?

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited June 06, 1999).]
Oh, guys ... what a dream .... a sort of country called perhaps "Ameralia", where people like us were the majority, not a hounded minority. Oh, I'll have something sweet to dream about tonight
(Well, apart from Shania Twain, that is)

Mate, don't go pointing those wet noodles at me -- you never know when the damn things are loaded!!

It's not a joke -- possession of a "rat-tailed" comb can, under some circumstances, see you charged with carrying an offensive weapon. And I'm not joking. (So can carrying, for example, a can of hairspray.)

I know you guys'll think this is funny or weird, but we actually had a law passed here that forbade an "unauthorised" gathering of more than three people!! True!! It didn't last for long
(Well, we're stupid, but we ain't imbeciles)

Attention U.S. readers:
In English speaking countries, what is known as a Catapult is called a Slingshot in the U.S.

~Douglas in CT :)
You mean it's not a device for pulting cats ?[p]Slingshot - is that an over & under or side by side model ? They outlawed the semi-auto versions here...

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Joke all you want, guys, but you can bet it is on the way here. Little by little, the U.S. will have some if not all of the nonsense that Austraila is being gagged with. Witness what is going on in our schools. Elementary and high shool studedents are being expelled for having a nail file, DRAWING A PICTURE of a gun, writing an essay on violence. Backpacks, long coats, and some loose fitting jackets are banned from school. All of this has been in the news since the school shootings in Colorado. Soon to be in a community near you.
Shotgun - "Backpacks" are used by 99.99999% of Aussie kids.Why on earth would they be banned ?

And w.t.h do they use to carry their books, string mesh sacks????

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Ahhh! Thanks Douglas in CT. It never dawned on me that they meant a slingshot, too many lost gray cells, I guess. Jeez, of course.

For you guys in Oz, we thought you meant they had outlawed the huge machines like the Romans used to hurl boulders. Similar to a trebuchet.