Police Chief Association Calls For Tougher Gun Laws

Police chiefs seem to be people whose sense leaves them when they park their rear behind a desk for good.

They change from cops into politicians.
Ain't that the truth

Maned...everybody wants to be a perfumed princess, and then they realize that in order to keep that lofty position, they need to thoroughly tongue wash political tush in order to stay on that perfumed throne.:rolleyes:
BTW, that document is a "great lakes alliance"...Illinois, which is hell, Michigan, which tolerates Hezbollah rallies in Dearbornistan, etc. What else would you expect from that whole area?
In poll after poll, an overwhelming majority supports common-sense laws and stricter enforcement of the laws
that are now on the books. Notably, a majority of gun owners voice support for laws that would reduce illegal
gun trafficking and require background checks for all gun purchases.

Gotta love when they use an outright LIE as their argument...
Im going to do my part. Im going to photocopy it and send it to Sen Murkowski and Rep Yound to ask them the question as to what business Federal Employeess (BATF Agents) have in putting their imprimatur on a political document such as this....

WildisuggestyoualldothesamewithyourlegisilatorsstateandfederalAlaska TM
Michigan is relatively gun friendly IMHO. It can make improvements but, except for rabidly liberal Detroit, Michigan things ain't too bad IMHO.

Here's a little tidbit: Michigan enacted a pistol permit statute in 1927 in response to the "rum-runners" wreaking havoc during Probibition. I think I read somewhere a while back that Michigan's permit program has been used as a model by other States over the years.
Michigan is relatively gun friendly IMHO. It can make improvements but, except for rabidly liberal Detroit, Michigan things ain't too bad IMHO.

Then why're they letting themselves be taken over by jihadists?
Maned...everybody wants to be a perfumed princess, and then they realize that in order to keep that lofty position, they need to thoroughly tongue wash political tush in order to stay on that perfumed throne.
But why pick the liberal tush to tongue wash instead of the conservative tush? That's like always taking the small piece of chicken. Why is it assumed that theirs is the position they want to give in to?
Here's a little tidbit: Michigan enacted a pistol permit statute in 1927 in response to the "rum-runners" wreaking havoc during Probibition. I think I read somewhere a while back that Michigan's permit program has been used as a model by other States over the years.

Perhaps the goal is to disarm the American public and create a certain defenselessness in our society against the possible coming storm that is Jihad.
Possible? I think it's well past "possible" and well on the way to "gathering".

The govt. and police agencies are stupid if they think they can fight that war here on American soil without the help from armed Americans.
Seems the study was also supported by the Joyce Foundation of which Barack Obama was a board member. The founder was apolitical from what I have read after she died a board took control. The foundation has contributed over $12 million to anti-gun organizations with over $4 million going to the Violence Policy Center as of 2006.
Good Ideas

The recommendations of the Police Chief all make sense and do not infringe on law-abiding citizens' owning, carrying, or using guns for target or hunting or self-protection. Making it easier for known criminals, the insane or deeply disturbed and/or 14 yr old children to have a ready supply of illegal guns from unscrupulous and criminal dealers/traders - none is the 2nd Amendment - and insisting that it is is the main reason massive numbers of middle-America distrust the gun-lobby.

And that's the way it is: the constitution and reality.

I'm going to the range and afterwards to get a new CCW holster, so I won't be able to read further posts. After that., I have to finish a letter in support of the recent legal finding that law abiding citizens be allowed to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.
Here in New Mexico, If you talk to any officer you come into contact with about issues like this they seem to disagree! I use to give a few dollars to the Fraternal Order Of Police and Stopped as soon as I seen there Rhetoric!
Here in New Mexico, If you talk to any officer you come into contact with about issues like this they seem to disagree!

These types of things are brought up by the butt kissers and politicians who fish for them amongst the top echelon of various police agencies. Average officers are not much different than you or myself.
Police chiefs are all Establishment figures and members of the Chosen Few
who don't even know what it's like for their own rank and file, let alone ordinary citizens. I think if as part of their retirment package they had to live
in a rough neighborhood with no carry privileges-not even allowed to keep a
firearmsd at home-they'd change their tune.